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which choice is false about your exposure control plan

Place wet contaminated laundry in leak-proof, labeled or colorcoded containers before transport. The University of Nevada, Reno Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan incorporates the most current work procedures, engineering controls, and medical surveillance practices. You know a thing or two about BBP exposure control in the workplace. All employees should take precautions to prevent injuries caused by needles, scalpels, and other sharp instruments or devices during procedures; when cleaning used instruments; during disposal of used needles; and when handling sharp instruments after procedures. With that said, other bloodborne pathogens youve likely heard of and wouldnt want to catch include these, as listed by However, it can take days or weeks for your blood test to confirm youve contracted a bloodborne illness. Go to Solid Waste Management. Section 080, Biohazardous Waste, is applicable to management of waste that contains, or is contaminated with, bloodborne pathogens. This Exposure Control Plan applies to all BU personnel with occupational exposure to human materials, including body fluids or tissues, or other potentially infectious materials as defined by OSHA. Engineering Controls - All necessary engineering controls must be available in the workplace and maintained or replaced on a regular schedule to ensure their effectiveness. The specific engineering controls and work practice controls used are listed below: Sharps disposal containers are inspected and maintained or replaced by (Name of responsible person or department) every (list frequency) or whenever necessary to prevent overfilling. After contact with blood or OPIM, surfaces shall be decontaminated with an appropriate disinfectant and protective coverings replaced under the following guidelines: Work surfaces will be cleaned when visibly contaminated, at the end of the work shift, or at a regularly scheduled frequency (i.e. Occupational Exposure is any reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of the employees duties. Hands and other skin surfaces should be washed immediately and thoroughly if contaminated with blood or OPIM. Obtain consent and make arrangements to have the source individual tested as soon as possible to determine HIV, HCV, and HBV infectivity; document that the source individuals test results were conveyed to the employees health care provider. On the following individual stationary process containers, we are using (description of labeling system used) rather than a label to convey the required information: We are using an in-house labeling system that relies on (describe any in-house system which uses numbers or graphics to convey hazard information). (Name of responsible person or department) ensures that health care professional(s) responsible for employees hepatitis B vaccination and post-exposure evaluation and follow-up are given a copy of OSHAs bloodborne pathogens standard. Model Plans and Programs for The first thing to do is notify the appropriate supervisor, so they can make that decision. Laundering will be performed by (Name of responsible person or department) at (time and/or location). Further details of the training requirements are contained in the appropriate section of the Plan. I understand that by declining this vaccine, I continue to be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B, a serious disease. All blood and other potentially infectious materials should be considered infectious. Job classifications where some may have exposure. Additional useful information, such as the manufacturers telephone number, an emergency number, scientific name, CAS number, the associated task, etc., can be included. In the course of developing your Exposure Control Plan (ECP) identify the job classifications not at risk for exposure to a BBP or OPM: Corrections office . The following contaminated articles will be laundered by this company:________________________, __________________________________________________________________________________. In addition, the training program covers, at a minimum, the following elements: Training materials for this facility are available at (name location). Relevant employee medical records, including vaccination status (Name of responsible person or department) provides the employee with a copy of the evaluating health care professionals written opinion within 15 days after completion of the evaluation. All employees will utilize universal precautions. Factsheet - Bird and Bat Waste; Factsheet - Hantivirus; West Nile Virus; Sewage Disposal/Spills; Solid Waste Disposal/Recycling; Swimming Pools and Spas; Stormwater management; Tobacco and . 0000007189 00000 n To ensure that information about the dangers of all hazardous chemicals used by (Name of Company) is known by all affected employees, the following hazardous information program has been established. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has prepared this plan to be used as a guide in developing department-specific procedures for reducing exposures to blood borne pathogens in the workplace. Urgent Care Facilities for injuries requiring a doctors attention during working hours: Renown Health Urgent Care - Ryland (preferred)975 Ryland St.Reno, NV 89502(775) 982-5000 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Concentra Medical Centers 6410 South Virginia Street Reno, NV 89511 (775) 322-5757 Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ARC Health & Wellness Centers 2205 Glendale Avenue Suite 131 Sparks, NV 89431 (775) 331-3361 Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Nevada Occupational Health Clinic 3488 Goni Road Suite 141 Carson City, NV 89706 (775) 887-5030 Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. The most likely way for this to happen is with an accidental finger prick with a needle that was used on someone who has an infectious disease. Generally, this will be the supervisor who was notified. Should prophylaxis be recommended, follow the, The employer shall obtain and provide the employee with a copy of the evaluating healthcare professionals written opinion within 15 days of the completion of the evaluation. Hep B can affect the body for a short time or become a lifelong disease. Training many people even beyond OSHAs requirements can ensure that this plan gets carried out. Proper signage informs others about potential risks. Additionally, job classifications in which some workers may have a potential for occupational exposure include Principal Investigators, Research Assistants, Laboratory technicians, Public Safety Officers, Custodians, Emergency Responders, and Plumbers. ), Location of the incident (O.R., E.R., patient room, etc. Employees are to notify (Name of responsible person or department) if they discover regulated waste containers, refrigerators containing blood or OPIM, contaminated equipment, etc., without proper labels. a. Equipment shall be examined on a regular schedule determined by the manufacturers recommendations or University policies. (Name of responsible person or department) ensures that the health care professional evaluating an employee after an exposure incident receives the following: PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATING THE CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING AN EXPOSURE INCIDENT. The following is a list of all job classifications at our establishment in which all employees have occupational exposure: Job Title Department/Location (Example: Phlebotomists)______________________________ (Clinical Lab)____________________, Job Title Department/Location (Example: Phlebotomists)______________________________ (Clinical Lab)____________________. The University Workers Compensation Office handles needlestick documentation. Periodically, employees are required to perform non-routine tasks that are hazardous. Contaminated laundry shall be placed in appropriately labeled (biohazard symbol) containers at the location used, without sorting or rinsing. 1. c, 2. d, 3. b, 4. c, 5. d, 6. c, 7. c, 8. b, 9. a, 10. b. If symbolic or numerical labeling systems are used, the other employees will be provided with information to understand the labels used for hazardous chemicals for which their employees may have exposure. Emergency Rooms for life threatening injuries or treatment outside of Urgent Care facility business hours: St. Marys Hospital 235 West Sixth St Reno, NV 89503 (775) 770-3000. Conduct procedures expected to produce significant aerosols of BBPs in a biological safety cabinet or other primary containment device. Jobs within the work environment must be evaluated, and specific work tasks and procedures that may lead to occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens must be listed. Examples of non-routine tasks performed by employees of this company are: Task Hazardous Chemical, _____________________ _________________________, _____________________ _________________________. This list includes the name of the chemical, the manufacturer, the work area in which the chemical is used, dates of use, and quantity used. Personnel who develop symptoms of allergy or asthma that occur upon exposure to experimental animals are referred to Occupational Health Services for evaluation.Under the OSHA Blood borne Pathogen Standard, BU and BMC are required to offer the hepatitis B vaccine to all employees at risk within 10 days of starting their work assignment. General Bloodborne Pathogens training is provided by EH&S. Included is a list of tasks and procedures, or groups of closely related tasks and procedures, in which occupational exposure may occur for these individuals: Job Title Department Location Task Procedure, __Housekeeper_________________Environmental Services____________Handling Regulated Waste__, Job Title Department Location Task Procedure. All specimens of blood and OPIM should be put in a well-constructed container with a secure lid to prevent leaking during transport. All potentially contaminated equipment and areas must be labeled with the Universal Biohazard Symbol. EH&S will maintain the class roster, training presentation and HBV vaccination declination/acceptance forms. 1. The low exposure potential group includes employees not at risk for exposure to bloodborne pathogens. 0000016008 00000 n The Boston University Biosafety Manual provides additional guidance on these topics. If exposures to blood or other body fluids* are reasonably anticipated, you are required by the Occupational Safety and Health . The (Your facility name) is committed to providing a safe and healthful work environment for our entire staff. 0000000016 00000 n (Name of responsible person or department) will maintain, review, and update the ECP at least annually, and whenever necessary to include new or modified tasks and procedures. PDF Protect Your Employees with an Exposure Control Plan - CDC OSHA expects training for anyone who has a high likelihood of exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). These tests can confirm if the person has HIV/AIDS, Hep B or Hep C. If a bloodborne pathogen is confirmed, they can administer antiretroviral medications to the exposed person. research animals into which human cells have been introduced may be considered to be a source of OPIM, as determined by the University Institutional Biosafety Committee on a case by case basis. Are you prepared to maintain exposure control during an emergency? (Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for reviewing and updating the ECP annually or more frequently if necessary to reflect any new or modified tasks and procedures that affect occupational exposure and to reflect new or revised employee positions with occupational exposure. 0000001943 00000 n PDF www.osha - Occupational Safety and Health Administration Lab coats, face shields, gowns, aprons, and other protective garments may be required based upon the task and the degree of exposure anticipated. Utility gloves may be decontaminated for reuse if their integrity is not compromised; discard utility gloves if they show signs of cracking, peeling, tearing, puncturing, or deterioration. Each PI or manager must ensure that they and all their employees with the potential for occupational exposure participate in a training program provided by EHS at no cost to the employee during working hours. Sharps disposal containers are available at (must be easily accessible and as close as feasible to the immediate area where sharps are used). Cuts or punctures of the skin caused by contaminated equipment, tools, scalpels, etc. All records must be kept in accordance with the Recordkeeping section of this Plan (Section J.2). Research & Innovation | Where big ideas ignite. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has prepared this plan to be used . Now, when youre tested again later, theyll be able to compare the results to better understand your lab work. This latest revision of the Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan replaces in its entirety the earlier revision dated January 2022. BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS Flashcards | Quizlet This method utilizes best practice work procedures, such as listed below, to eliminate or minimize the occupational exposure potential to the employee. However, if an employee declines the vaccination, the employee must sign a declination form. Its purpose is to promote safe work practices and to ensure that all workers are protected from exposure to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and other disease-causing pathogens in human blood, body fluids, and tissues. The job activities and scenarios that fall under the purview of the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan are broad, and it is strongly recommended that each administrative unit review the Plan for applicability. Following initial first aid (clean the wound, flush eyes or other mucous membrane, etc. Any exposure of blood or other potentially infectious material (OPIM) with mucous membranes, such as contact to the mouth, eye, nostril, etc. The training format will be as follows: (Describe training format, such as audiovisuals, interactive computer programs, classroom instruction, etc.). After obtaining consent, collect exposed employees blood as soon as feasible after exposure incident, and test blood for HBV and HIV serological status. This decision is often both safety-oriented and aesthetic. How did you do? Workplace Bloodborne Pathogens Quiz: Test Your Knowledge The Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan is designed to minimize risks to the University community from exposure to human blood, blood products, and other potentially infectious materials, and to meet regulatory expectations mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Must be worn when it is reasonably anticipated that there may be hand contact with blood, potentially infectious materials, mucous membranes, non-intact skin and/or when touching potentially contaminated surfaces. Scientific equipment that has been contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials should be decontaminated and cleaned before being repaired in the laboratory or transported to the manufacturer. These methods are: Under normal circumstances, an individual does not know if a patient or a laboratory sample contains a bloodborne pathogen. <<653D9DF527CB4F45B4B4E7C0F3CC35BE>]>> It is the responsibility of (Name of responsible person and/or position) to provide other employers and contractors with information about hazardous chemicals that their employees may be exposed to on a job site and suggested precautions for employees., If you are an employer who is required to offer BBP training, you could face fines of up to $14,502 per violation in 2022 plus another fine of the same amount per day if you do not correct the issue. This committees responsibilities include: Researching engineering controls that can prevent sharps incidents in the work place, Evaluating these controls over time with regard to the efficacy and usefulness of these controls in the workplace. For help with labeling, see (name of responsible person and/or position). ANSWER : 1. The procedure for handling sharps disposal containers is: __ (may refer to specific procedure by title or number and last date of review) _________________________________________________________, The procedure for handling other regulated waste is: ___(may refer to specific procedure by title or number and last date of review)_________________________________________________________. Employees who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from all direct contact with blood or OPIM and from handling patient-care equipment until the condition resolves. This group must be included in the bloodborne pathogens training program. If you struggled with various answers or want to learn more, BBP training gives you the practical knowledge you can use in your workplace to keep yourself, coworkers, and customers safe. 0000210330 00000 n The following conditions should be considered as constituting a potential exposure: Any incident meeting the above detailed criteria requires appropriate first aid, and reporting to the immediate supervisor of the exposed personnel, the Environmental Health and Safety Department, and the Workers Compensation Office at Business Center North (BCN). Spicemas Launch 28th April, 2023 - Facebook You must regularly educate your workers on the uses of the Exposure Control Plan and where its kept, so it is available when needed. On top of that, it can prevent serious illness from chronic infection for up to a lifetime. 0000220219 00000 n All blood borne pathogens are presumed to be infectious and appropriate PPE, such as gloves, safety glasses, and lab coats must be worn when handling blood or other potentially infectious materials in the OSHA Blood borne Pathogen Standard. Or a copy may be obtained from the EH&S Department: Applied Research Facility, Room 222 (775) 327-5040 (775) 784-4553 (Fax), Expand or Collapse to view popular links for this site, Expand or Collapse to view links grouped by top level headings, Biosafety Manual for the University of Nevada, Reno, Chemical Hygiene Plan for the University of Nevada, Reno, Partial List of Chemical Incompatibilities for the University of Nevada, Reno, Particularly Hazardous Substances for the University of Nevada, Reno, Radiation Safety Manual for the University of Nevada, Reno, 11.0: Glossary for the Respiratory Protection Program, 11.0: Glossary for the Written Hazard Communication Program, Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan.

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which choice is false about your exposure control plan