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saturn in aquarius tarot

Your Saturn Return is typically as you approach the age of 30 and deal with marriage, which restricts you to one partner for the rest of your life. The Paris Opera Ballet and the Civil Rights Movement were visited by Saturn in astrology. The world will experience a big bump. Saturn in Libra is the marriage with walls. Thank you, Jessica. Health first. This may involve a salary question of course. In the 1990s it was about gay culture, but also any collective that united a wide range of people. Astrology is about forewarned is forearmed. Another outcome is a huge change in your husband or wifes circumstances. .css-4xjy6g{display:block;font-family:RundDisplay,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:0.01em;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-4xjy6g:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.9375rem;margin-top:1.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1.25rem;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.625rem;line-height:1.2;}}The Best Pet Stain Removers That Actually Work, Where All the Celebs Stay During the Met Gala, Ahem, Heres a Quick Rundown on the Term AAPI, Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, by Zodiac Sign, Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for May. You two have karma and will proceed towards slow closure in 2023, 2024. Anway, he does fit the description to a t minus the drugs in alcohol which I PRAY to God never become a part of his life. Saturn is the furthest visible planet from the Earth, and so his sphere is the furthest away from us. Your family tree will enjoy better growth and longevity because of that. The previous Saturn transit my life was very different, single with a small child, her Saturn return is now and I do worry about her. Virgo is the archetype of the unmarried daughter who stays at home and does the housework, cooks and cleans and looks after the family if they are unwell. Look immediately to Virgo and the Sixth House and go from there. Nothing still on my family tree research. The planet Saturn shows us where we have work to do in this life and where we have limitations to overcome. If you want to be a fashion designer, then buy a sewing machine and sketch pad and apply for a job. Thats typical. Known as the taskmaster and karmic planet, Saturn helps us keep ourselves in check. This is a huge change and it happens in March. It was more in depth than any of the other charts I purchased for family so thank you for that. Happy Lunar New Year to you too Jessica. The Bubonic Plague was taken back to their village. Okay, so the Saturn oppositions to your Virgo factors in the Sixth House are really important. Your health is in your hands. Ive been talking to you about how Saturn in Aquarius, then Pisces, coincided with The Black Death. Psyche This may be because your computer stops working. It is very common for you to unconsciously generate symptoms which prevent a certain sort of housework (washing up) or a particular kind of profession (driving a taxi, for example). Tarot cards that represent Aquarius are The Star, Five of Swords, Six of Swords and Seven of Swords. But you wont need it. My husband is born on Feb 19 and a large part of my life comes from negotiating our life together as we are both retired now. Saturn is part of life, like any astrological archetype and has to be taken on the chin, along with the joys of Jupiter, his mythological son. Only the present does. Fascinating post as usually. The main issue with the rules is that you have to be able to live with them. Meanwhile some of those people i grew up with are dying and its comforting sort of to feel that . I am sorry you went through this episode; Saturn transits can be like that, but this one is nearly over just one month to go. In astrology we predict the future by looking at the past. 28 Cancer 14 Hi Jessica, thank you for another great post. Leo: Courtship. Thats why. Hopefully soon things can pick up and change for better, fingers crossed. What you do May 2023 to May 2024 re-establishes your relationship with the idea of serving others, or doing your duty, or perfecting your tasks. I just need to know that I will leave on time and get out of the USA by the end of Feb. Or is this Mars retrograde firing up us all up? 1991 was the year that Freddie Mercury died from AIDS and Magic Johnson tested HIV positive. The heavy restrictions, barriers and stuck feeling with Saturn vanishes in March 2023. I really hope it doesnt sleep through and you have time to answer it. You have your South Node, Ascendant and Pluto there and they will all be opposed by Saturn in Pisces, one after another, once he changes signs in March 2023. Im a Sun Leo with stelliums in Virgo, Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. It is quite true that the long Saturn opposition to Virgo, from Pisces, will test his current approach. You have been through the most restricted, limited cycle in 29 years with friends, your social life, groups, social media and people power in 2021, 2022. Good luck. Demarcation Restrictions Do you see any changes coming up for me professionally this year ? If so, be careful, because you may unconsciously decide to expose yourself to Covid risks, and these days, that can mean Long Covid. In your own case, you would have the option of dating a new lover who comes with obstacles. Thanks so much always and warmest wishes for 2023!! You already had this transit 29 years ago, or so, and so as you left your twenties and went into your Thirties you may have had issues with or around psychologists, or perhaps the church maybe your aura and chakras. You will do the rest. Cheers, Kate. Many thanks for your wise words and guidance. You may have a few of them (overlapping circles). Trying a 3rd time in case I get lucky. Saturn in astrology is often seen as a teacher. A huge weight lifted, but there was puchback beyond my control. Could you enlighten me on how this may affect me? Im very interested to hear what you see in the year ahead for me. The next day, Jupiter in Taurus clashes with Pluto in Aquarius, stirring up intense feelings around your comfort and where you call home. Your health on all levels comes first. If you feel a ball and chain, entrapment and suffocating, your chart can help. What today, even though it was about faith we would call a super-spreader event. Thank you. You may have a Roman Catholic background, or Jewish and so on. Also in 1992, the International Olympic Committee ruled athletes who were HIV positive could compete. The caveat is, it has to be something he wants to do. Thank you. You feel shut inside the marriage, or shut outside the marriage, unable to get in. You cannot separate how you feel (physically and mentally) from your daily grind. Thank you. Im a libra with stelliums in Virgo and sag too and wanted to ask if you could please take a look at my chart and give any advice on how to navigate this year/the coming years with all that is going on. Hi Jessica, Your son has some karma to finish with the family which ends in July 2023. Or am I already in the best place? Thank you so much for all your help and advice- it makes such a difference. Now the funny thing is that it means even more now. i m trying to imagine where does Capricorn go. We may all need to release a great deal in order to achieve this, but we will be rewarded with a clearer vision of The Good and a humanity that works together as a collective, instead of the estranged individuals that we have become. On March 22nd Saturn moved from the sign of Capricorn into the sign of Aquarius. I have Saturn in Libra and with this change how it will impact me and my family If you can share your thoughts it would be great !! I have 5 stelliums in Aquarius, Leo and 4 in Cancer, Pisces and Virgo. Deep, female wisdom. Either way, Im sure it will make some waves! He is due to come out of a relentless financial, business and property cycle in March 2023 which will release him from years of questions about who is in control, or what is in control. Apollo at 19 Libra returns to his birth position in your chart when he transits 19 Libra, so this is an Apollo Return, something most people dont talk about, but it is significant. Saturn is about restrictions and limitations. You will feel closure, however this pans out. Last year she received a cancer diagnosis and has had chemo and surgery but wishes to have no further chemo if the cancer returns. Long-term until 2026, though, you still need a flexible set-up so that you can react quickly, to sudden changes affecting (say) an inheritance, or a marriage and mortgage (another example). Saturn presents as being locked out, or locked in. Housewife. So I just said well clearly we dont share the same god. He may be rather stuck until then, but July ends the cycle for another 18-19 years. For classical astrologers and magicians, Aquarius was the daytime home of Saturn. He is with you now, February, March, April, May so you have time. So have a look at what you need to do, from March. Please I know you extremely busy responding to comments. Dont be deceived by the airy circulating, though, such groups are about to become powerful, starting in March. I am aware of what you stated in a previous post. I might be imagining it but I feel like they think I am flakey. You are free to go karmically from that point. Property. The more I read of your explanations the more I understand and can start to put the pieces together for myself. If time allows kindly look at my chart and let me know when and if the tide turns ito my daughters. Youve not had anything like this in your lifetime. Saturn is in Aquarius as I publish this on December 17th 2022 and he will move into Pisces on March 8th 2023. This ends in July when the South Node leaves Scorpio. Saturn in astrology is very much about karmic returns. During this two year period, Saturn will retrograde twice, and station direct twiceprolonging Saturns stay in the sign its placed in. Christians questioned God and the road to the Reformation began. Saturn in astrology is often seen as a teacher. May 19: New Moon in Taurus. Mars Mom , sibling are Taureans and both have Saturn in Cancer. Consulting professionals. Pregnancy. Saturn will be in Pisces from March 2023, and stay in 2024, 2025 and early 2026. He does have a stellium in Pisces to inlude NEPTUNE. So you trigger his views of God. She is the author of Saturn Return Survival Guide: Navigating This Cosmic Rite of Passage, The Astrology Deck: Your Guide to the Meanings and Myths of the Cosmos, and Love Deck: 70 Cards to Ignite Attraction, Passion, and Romance. Ops was Saturns wife and defeated him. This is where the idea of Saturn and responsibility comes from. Saturn in Libra in your Seventh House is about lifelong restrictions involving partners and limits, obstacles and barriers involving other sorts of duets, like marriages or professional duets. Dear Jessica, Saturn and (something) together. You are a Sun Libra with Libra, Virgo, Cancer stelliums, so what is actually affecting your life in 2023, 2024 is the South Node in Libra for the first time in 18-19 years. Saturn A New Look at an Old Devil is a classic. She also explains how Pluto moving into Aquarius projects big societal change and revolution worldwide. The longer you wait, the more you find out. Thank you. This tallies with your natal chart too. You will be quids in as early as June 2023 and start to see a much bigger picture for you, once you are halfway through the year. Capricorn in one book says it rules India and we know their influence. I have to find a balance and I guess this cycle will help me Thank so much Jessica. So this may be a pre-existing condition you have, or something new you need a regime for, starting March 2023. Its the same now, and although there will be more personal issues for you to handle about your food, drink, medication, exercise and so on the general problem to solve is Covid. Happy New Year. Are there dates we shouldnt be signing contracts? 20 Libra 14 38 I use the Solar House system for sun sign work. I am so desperate to move jobs and have something much more fulfilling but everything I try blocks me in some way now we are at risk with our current job and it feels like so much pressure all the time. Ill try again at some point. With blessings, Alexia. In 1992, AIDS became the leading cause of death for American men aged 25 to 44. Juno I have Saturn in Taurus and Scorpio in opposition. A year ago, because of Corona, I lost the place where I did the work and therefore the customers and could not get back on my feet until now. Hi Jessica However, part of growing up is growing out of certain friendships. From March 2023 your health and wellbeing on all levels is the priority; forget (even) a partnership. From July 2023 you enter one of the most important cycles for partnerships in 19 years as the South Node enters Libra. He also has Panacea in Virgo and she is an ancient symbol of drugs and even fungi with pharmaceutical properties. And you are still here. May 2023 to May 2024 brings the biggest and best work and lifestyle choices in 12 years with more freedom, independence and a superior lifestyle. Mental Health. You cannot serve and do your duty if you feel unwell, on any level. Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn results in professional flux until 7th February when at last you, your husband and your colleagues and employers will know where you stand. Wish you much love and success. Am back at work going into office once a week which is pretty much back to normal now with large face to face group meetings which I dont want to attend, but I am the only one. Particularly in regard to health, family and onerous unpaid work. You are solely responsible for what you post. Thats an amazing article! The Eighth House is about in-laws for this reason, as much as it is about purely sexual and financial relationships. Your issue is more likely that there are 16,522 comments today and its really luck of the draw if yours is on top, where I can see it. His lifestyle, workload and way of life his wellbeing is also in the zone for tremendous change from May 2023 when at last the opportunities for improvement are there, along with quite a radical reshaping of what was there before. Work, academic or unpaid work comes second. She was born from Jupiters brain fully formed. I am certain Ive pulled that one for him before. Was that around the time REM released Losing My Religion? Saturn has been in Aquarius, your own sign, and that hasnt done much for you, although it is not the culprit. Discover what each planet in the signs of the zodiac in your astrological chart {also known as a birth chart, natal chart or horoscope} means below; Responsibility, Discipline, Accountability, Contraction, Seriousness, Time, Measure for Measure, Limitation, Wisdom, Father, Ground Breaker, Genius, Scientist, Alternative, Unusual, Intellectual, Curious, Bringer of New Ideas, Freedom Lover. I liberated myself when Saturn transited out of Aquarius. And on it goes. Divorce. Kind regards Congratulations! He also has 2 Yods in his chart. Write down what you can give or offer on one side. The new things will be freedom and independence, and it will go on happening for the next four years. People or organisations which you felt controlled by, will lose control. I will give you the transits so you can look them up: Transiting Uranus in the Sixth House, Transiting North Node in the Sixth House. They usually turn up when you are named in a will, or your legacy names others. He has had a very challenging few years personally with his family and profession (a therapist). eek. I may not have asked the question appropriately. It will be very exciting for you and you may find yourself using your Gemini side much more; the sign of the wordsmith. Does it have any significance? I was already feeling like moving in a specific direction. The other big ending is your four-year relationship. One way around the transit is to indeed use the Tarot and ask how the oppositions are showing up, and how best to deal with them, for everybodys sake, but particularly yours. Pluto in 15 Capricorn This dovetails with what I am seeing with courtship, the bedroom, parenthood, or other peoples children so the late Twenties are quite remarkable. Christmas is also close to December 17th. How Saturn in Aquarius Is Reshaping Society and Technology. In some ways, I have the sense of having made it safely through a very long storm. So its a whole new world of work for you from March.

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