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the loud house fanfiction lincoln cuts himself

The Loud House: We've Had It 7 parts Complete Lincoln has had it. Finally, those bullies have finally gotten bored of treating me like a slave. Lincoln calling Lynn, Lynniot came from the stories, A Disgraced Athelete and Spongebob Lincoln Power Hour. (Lincoln sighs, and tips the teacup over while making a whooshing sound to make it sound like tea is pouring out. I wouldnt knock your teeth. Lynn:Did you get more attention than me when we were little or something? After she defeated him, tears appeared in his eyes. She immadiatelly run there only violently stopped. Lynn:Only if you dont shoot me with lasers, Stinkoln. Lola:Yeah, but they are gonna punished? *Lincoln wipes down the mirror and sink in the bathroom. You're less than Pluto, not even a planet / When you hear my fresh rhymes, you're gonna say- (Beeps). Now thats just literally mean! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! After letting it cool, Lynn sits in front of it and gazes at it.). Luna's Winter Concert is tonight, and everyone is gonna be there! Luan:I can stretch my body into anything! Lori adds the chili and then Lynn adds the pepper jack cheese and then the spicy cheese puffs. With all of his effort, Lincoln was able to pull himself off of it. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! - Sigh, almost like mud bath. Luan tells the same squirrel joke that Spongebob made in the episode, Squirrel's joke. Lynn recovers instantly and attacks once more, forcing Lynn into a defensive position.). - said Lana walking angry - I can't stand her anymore. Linka:The reason the Lincoln, Linka and Warren on earths 11, -11 and -13, have favorites because their sisters have caused him physical and emotional pain. He managed to pull his face off of it, but the rest of his body was all but stuck to it. - Does Lola also make your life miserable? ). ), (Mecha Lisa lunges towards Lisa and tries to strike her with punch but Lisa jumps out of the way. (pulls out a pad and pen)Ill keep that one in mind. The Loud House Fanfic #16-House Sitter by . We cut to inside where the parents are wearing handphones and reading newspaper. (Lisa pricks Lincoln and injects the serum in his body.). Back to Lincoln and Lynn's fight on groundfloor. Back at the Loud House, Lucy read through her spell book.). As much as possible, live life on your own terms. You and your sisters have won an 100% off discount at the mall. Special thanks to YoshiRocker13 for the title card. ), (Everyone gasps and then Lincoln tearing up but Lynn puts her arm around him and pulls him close. Lynn:Okay, lets get one thing straight. *We then see Lincoln lugging a trash and then he throws it in the trash can but when Lincoln comes back, he runs into Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola and Lisa and Lori brandishes a trash bag. Lincoln sits down on the couch and turns on the TV. Laney: Why there!? The Nicer sisters glare at the Meaner sisters.). (laughs)Get it? He ereased the salve from the steps. (Lincoln delivers a strong punch to Lolas face. funny ways to say home run grassroots elite basketball Menu . Lucy:And dont worry, were here for you. Leni then steps in and prise Lana off of Lisa and squeeze her tight. With way they acted, they deserve two months. Lori:You dont have to worry, Leni. Well done, I knew I could depend on you. - Lynn commented -You still can reconcile with Lola. ), (The sisters get off of Lincoln, the brothers get off of Linka and the rabbit sisters get off of Warren. Lola:Youre gonna do our choices or else were gonna rip off all of Bun-Buns arms and legs. Only Lily and Lana do that! ), Lori:Lynn, you take it! Lori:Fine, well stop treating Lincoln like a slave. YOU KEPT SAYING ME HAVING BUN-BUN IS BEING IMMATURE! You both must fix what's broken and forgive each other. Why do you add those?! The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Now I should probably go to the bathroom. Lucy:Lynn threaten to throw Edwin off the roof. This is brilliant, ML! AND LISA, IF YOU USE ME TO TEST ANOTHER ONE OF YOU'RE STUPID EXPERIMENTS, I'M GONNA SMASH THEM INTO PIECE! Lisa:Even, when I dont ask you, I place my formula in your drinks or your food. Lincoln: >angered, to Simon Well, you better take it back! Lynn dashed towards Lincoln but he stopped her by his left foot and pushed her to make her fall on floor. How much do you hurt me? (The rest of the family is enjoying their time with beach activities) Lincoln: (takes off his sunglasses, deeply annoyed) But unfortunately only when im in the squirrel suit(puts the head back on) (Several moments pass. Lincoln stirs awake from his bout of unconsciousness to the full realization that he was back at the hospital. Lincoln push kicks Lynn forward and punches Lynn to ground but she gets up and cracks her neck. Please ADD. Leni:(Smiles and kisses Lincoln's forehead) Aw, Linky, that's sweet. Lana and Lily hug Lincoln). Cecil: Nice place to live isn't it Arthur? - Wait, I must stop Lana! "You can't keep going around like a fucking maniac and treating me like (Remastered) Lincoln Loud, the only boy in his family, is always getting teased by his sisters. Lincoln starts rubbing each of their feet.). [please read the trigger warnings in a/n] Legion of Legends is a spoof League of Legend. They were off. Lynn left laughing, when Lincoln was trying to stand up angry for being beaten and woundedby Lynn. Luan:Then we have to make one up! (We cut to Lincoln watching TV and then sisters come down and Lori turns off the TV.). Luan brings her arm back upstairs and she drinks her soda. Lincoln:(Whines)Oh, come on! Lisa:This is time, Im gonna do it right. I got some sweet dress from todays blowout sale! Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lana and Lily come in.). Linka:And boys, I think youre all the best brothers in the world. ), (Lisa applied the ointment to his nose, and within a few seconds, the pain began to subside as the product did its work.). It was caused by a transparent plastic rope sticked to door frame. Lincoln's inner monologue is based Ash's inner monologue in Pokemon Indigo League. [rewritten version - original title: the mute girl and ba * . - Lincoln, do you have your revange? (Lola tackles Lana to the floor and the two get into a fight. ML gets hits by the lasers and the squirts from the water. I dont think the other me program the shield to do that. One Lucy is enough. They probably caused them to run away or something. Lincoln:Wow, thats exactly what Id do. - Lynn was shocked - Couldn't you just tell me I go too far? ), (The two clones phase back in Lucys body.). She forced me to choreograph her ribbon dance even though I said no. ), Lynn Sr.: Whoa, whoa, easy, guys. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. (The hands are then thrust forward) WAAAAVE! (We cut to to a bus parking in front of the Loud House. It's a 'Cherita' poetry form. Lori:Whatever, youve got more chores to do. - You aren't as mature as I thought after all! Arthur: Absolutely, that's why we are one of the best prowlers in the mid-west. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Lori:Okay, heres an idea. They wrap the whole thing up, creating a giant burrito. Rita:And while were gone, all of your chores must be done. - You're correct. I have Telekinesis. I wish I had that spell book so I can do those spells. I just really hate this version of Lola. Lincoln Has Gone Insane And Became A Cold Blooded Killer. She darts straight to front yard and meets up with Lisa.). Lincoln:Dont care anyone other than Bobby? - Then you and I have similar problems. He Grab Lynn By The Neck And Begin Strangling Lynn Jr. Lincoln; It's Look The Strangulation To Get The Circulation. They made brofist for good luck and entered their house. (The rest of the sisters cheer and they run out the door.). Come on, guys! - Lana responded with determination. Lisa takes the opportunity to fire at MLs back. (But then the shield starts absorbing the beam and then all of the beam goes inside of shield. - Please forgive me. Faint in Shock: Clyde passes out when he sees or mentions his crush Lori. Charles - Arf! I can take this! (We cut to Lori and Lenis room where Leni is making some maid outfit for the meaner sisters and they look annoyed. - No, it's Lynn. Lana:I hope not literally because thats not my thing, (Luna is seen playing her guitar then Luan comes in.). They stop 'till the membrane blocks the scene. It was then that he remembered the dog's owner, the enormous 40-foot huntress in purple, was coming back to get her pet. Luna:And now you can give Lincoln Bun-Bun and his comic. Lincoln:Oh my goodness, I had know idea. Lincoln cups his and draws to his side and energy is concentrated into a single point between his cupped hands.). Luan:(Pulls out a shaker) I found the chili powder! We cut to the moring where Lincoln and the Nicer sisters watching TV. (Lana throws the Pocket ball, and out from it comes a rat, with gray fur, long gray ears that are tipped with pink. Mine and Lilys room. (kisses his cheek), Barbara:Youre our favorite version too. Soon you go to middle school like me and there are a lot of bullies. Some would think because of that, they would think your guardian,but were just hanging like any other siblings would. He was being used as a slave and gets constantly bullied. Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola and Lisa nod and gives him a thumbs up while Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lana and Lily look on sadly. Lori:Yeah, you can finally stop being child and grow and be an adult. The Missile in front, propels towards but Lisa jump and deflects it with her shield and it goes flying back to the other missiles and they all explode. Lisa blocks the giant blast with her shield.Lisa struggles to hold the back and it moves back at little.). His mother knocked, before opening. (The five of them go back to their room and the other five look at Lincolns room sadly. Mecha Lisa darts out of the room and comes back with a fresh diaper and baby powder. (Lincoln goes to the kitchen and Luna is there.). - Lincoln put scissors back on its place - If you told me, this whole situation would never happen. Lincoln:I cant you did this me! Warren:Beisdes none of us need only one of you and you know why? Might add more if it's liked. Because thats what it seems. Haiku:Yes. Lori:You know I can paint my nails myself or I have Leni. Keep your patience in times of danger. In fact, we even offered Bun-Bun when shes feeling scared or when shes in pain. Lola:No, youre not! ), (The second sister turns around and the figure herself reveals to be Leni with a smile on her and sunglasses covering eyes. Lola: Hey, Lincoln! You just went too far in self-defense. Lincoln:Thats enough comic reading for one day. Mecha Lisa:Iniating Ultrasonic Laser cannons. Linka and her Brothers except Leon: Bye, take care! Leni:Why is she saying a bunch of number? Lana:Dont worry, bird poop washes out easily. - Lincoln asked, - I do. This is sale is only for you, Luna, Lucy, Lana and Lily. (Everyone groans except Lane and Bebe who laugh.). (The montage ends with Lincoln going to his room and plopping down on his bed.). Im melting! Luan: Hi guys! Ready to see me dance? Finally, we see Lincoln and the Nicer sisters on the couch while Lynn bushes his hair, Lori paints Lenis toenails, Lola rubbing Lanas feet, Luan paints Lucys fingernails and Lisa changes Lilys diaper.). Lisa:And Ill drop your teddy in sulfric acid. - Of course I would involve but good I didn't have to as all the problems were solved by yourselves. Its not sweet wishing for some of our family didn't exist! Lori:Great, what are our evil counterparts up to now? (The beam begins to cascade into her arms, pouring throughout her internals and erupting from vent and cavity on his body. he sits in his chair, turns on his computer and his friend Danny shows up). Lincoln stared for a moment, before leaving slowly, not bothering to pick up a towel (Line cut) In Lincolns room, the boy sat quietly on his bed. I put in the story show Avatar The Last Airbender because I detected similarities in relationships bewteen the siblings. Rita; Lincoln. Lori:Ooh.. Are Linky and his counterparts embarrassed by being kissed. We cut to Haiku in her house, mandiating. We then see Lisa holding a handle she pushes and it creates a holographic shield. Lana:Look at what he can do. After events of "No Such Luck" Lincoln is treated by his whole family as a living talisman. Lynn steps forward before going into a dash. Only the spicy stuff and the beans, both regular and refried. It took a few seconds, but they eventually sat up, wiped away the tears, and smiled at each of their siblings.). LUNA: I'll try talking . Lisa:While I do not care for inane human emotions, I want forgiveness, dear siblings. They see his ripped pants and starts laughing at Lincoln.). (Leni pulls Bun-Bun from her pocket and Lincoln gasps and hugs his little rabbit.). Mecha Lisa:Time to eliminate Imposter once and for all! Luan:And because you, Luna and Clyde went to a concert together. - Don't come any closer, monster! Author's note :This is a deconstruction fic of the St.Lincoln trope. The more you eat, the more you-(Farts)Ah. (laughs)Get it? Lincoln's butt. - Lola complained - This is so awful! Lincoln:But Luke flushed-Oh, right, that was a dream. - Dumb question. Lincoln:Ooh, this one should interesting. This is a Loud House Fanfiction!!!!! Leni: *turns to him* Leni: "Linky? Lynn Sr.:Were going on vacation for a few days. Lynn:This burrito looks almost too good to eatalmost. Brenda:I assume theres a universe where same thing too? Mecha Lisa tries firing multiple laser shots back, but Lisa uses the shield to deflect the shots back and hit Mecha Lisa. I care about everyone especially you, Lincoln. (Lisa shoots her Laser Gun at Mecha Lisa, who easily guards and deflects most of the weak shots. Lisa spins and gets behind the tree for cover as Mecha Lisa does the same and jumps in the brushes.). Sky blue, turquoise, purple, yellow, red, black, dark blue, pink, green and light purple. I wasn't sure about Lana, but you did came before me to stop her. - Lincoln explained with tears of desperation - I wounded Lynn severely and I feel sorry for this. This is my first brief writing. We cut to the night time where Lincoln is laying in the dark, with a tissue in one hand, mournfully looking a photo of herself and Bun-Bun. Eli:And lets' get the Louds, Casagrandes and their friends to join us. (Lisa goes in for a fresh flurry of punches, which the robot blocks or evades effortlessly. Lana:Leave now, Lincoln. She loads it and pulls the slingshot back and aims it at Luna. ), (The five girls kick off their shoes and they put their feet on the coffee table. I can take the teasing! Fanfiction: Worlds Loudest Part 2. instead, he f Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't hav [01/07/2021] - [13/04/2023] Lori:Well, remember when Lincoln took care of us while we were at Scratchy Bottom Campgrounds? Rita:It shows you how it feels to be abused. You got me my victory undies, Lola.

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the loud house fanfiction lincoln cuts himself