(p) Lexic. This is a type of Christ's righteousness and perfect holiness during his entire human life. Shortly after, in Leviticus 8, we read how Moses then adorned Aaron with the priestly garments, fastening them all on him just so. He is the only one who can truly meet our needs. (Matthew 6:25-34). An ephod ( Hebrew: f; / fd / or / ifd /) was a type of apron, which according to the Hebrew Bible, was worn by the Jewish high priest the kohen gadol, an artifact and an object to be revered in ancient Israelite culture, and was closely connected with oracular practices and priestly ritual. David knew that Saul was plotting harm against him. A. That is, you cannot lose your salvation because the work of the Last Adam was greater than the work of the First Adam! But what is an ephod, exactly? In the Old Testament this word has two meanings; in one group of passages it signifies a garment; in another, very probably an image. Here, we explore the biblical meaning and spiritual significance of the ephod. Now the first three stones were asardonyx, a topaz, and an emerald. He believes, second to cultivating his relationship with God that raising his family unto the Lord is the most significant task for him while on Earth. Note the neck of this garment was specifically fortified to prevent it from accidentally tearing. Some believe David sinned by wearing the linen ephod in his worship. CSB Samuel served in the Lord's presence--this mere boy was dressed in the linen ephod. After his victory, Gideon made an ephod out of the gold that he had captured from the Midianites. Note that God is concerned about covering our nakedness or private parts (Exodus 20:26. The purpose of this study is to review in detail each of the three priestly garments of the Old Testament. The ephod reminds us that we need to seek His face and ask for His help in everything we do. God redeemed our sweat when Jesus great drops of sinless blood mixed with the great drops of the sweat of the second and last Adam, Jesus, in the second garden (Gethsemane). (significance and symbolism), And thats it, folks, the ephod in the bible, Dream About the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem (Raw), 31+ Brilliant Bible Emergency Numbers (Verses). God bless you! The first significant passage is in Exodus where God is providing Moses with the design of the ephod that Aaron, the high priest, would wear. The ephod also had a waistband, which was made of gold and was also attached to the ephod at the two upper corners (Exodus 28:27-28). ephod, also spelled Efod, part of the ceremonial dress of the high priest of ancient Israel described in the Old Testament (Ex. Description. On each side, one chain represents that we will never be snatched from God our Fathers hand, and a second chain represents we will never be snatched from our God Jesus hand. Consider the following key truths and reminders of Gods grace. When a priest would inquire of the Lord about a specific matter, he would put his hand on the appropriate stone. This is so important because it indicates a condition, a state of being, a resting place. These straps went behind, up, and slightly over the garments upper corners, over the priests shoulders. Stay tuned for an upcoming post where I break this down. The Golden Garments of the High Priest revealed Jesus as God the Great High Priest in Heaven. The breastplate was held in place by golden chains attached to the onyx shoulder clasps and blue lace ribbons, which attached the breastplate to the ephod. The first four articles of clothing were uniquely worn by the High Priest, and the last four garments were similar to those worn by the other Priests except the Sash, which was unique for the Golden Garment: From the blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, they made woven garments for serving in the sanctuary; they made holy garments that were for Aaron, just as the LORD had commanded Moses. It reminds us that we are His chosen people and have been given authority over the enemy. The garment hung down in front and in the back, and its length extended all the way down to the priests feet. The underpriest's ephod was probably like the high priest's in shape but was made of plain white cloth, not embroidered, and the linen of which it was made may not have been of the quality of the high priest's ephod. The wearer of such linen made from breathable flax fibers would not sweat. (Exodus 33:20-23. So when they wanted to know Gods will, they consulted a priest or prophet, who would then speak to God on their behalf. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You must stay at the entrance to the tent of meeting day and night for seven days and do what the Lord requires, so you will not die; for that is what I have been commanded (Leviticus 8:34-35). The first of the third row was aligure, then an amethyst, and the third an agatebeing the ninth of the whole number. More specifically, it was worn only by the high priestthe head of the Aaronic priesthood. Blue, purple, and scarlet wool yarn along with white linen thread and pure gold thread of the ephod. God was furious over their disobedience and faithlessness and planned to destroy the Israelites. Wearing the Ephod demonstrated his humility and faith. A God-Centered Life: 10 Faith-Based Practices When Youre Feeling Anxious, Grumpy, or Stressed, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. It is mentioned throughout the Bible and has been worn by some of the most well-known figures in Christianity. We are dependent on Him for everything. Ephesians 2:13-18. The ephod reminds us that we are set apart. Then David asked God for guidance, and God told him what to do. [1], Besides its use as a garment, an Ephod was also used for oracular purposes, in conjunction with Urim and Thummim;[5] the books of Samuel imply that whenever Saul or David wished to question God via oracular methods, they asked a priest for the ephod. (1 Peter 2:9. These pomegranates were actually hollow spheres of fabric in the shape of pomegranates. Gideon was a judge in Israel and led the Israelites to victory against the Midianites. Its width is approximately 4 cm (approximately 1.5 inches). The blue cord represents that Jesus mind is our mind (i.e., the mind of Christ). Urim and Thummim are two stones that were set in the ephod and were used to inquire of the Lord about specific matters. (John 14:27) We are to rest in Jesus completed work seated with Him (i.e., resting) in the Heavenly realms. Well. Since the twelve stones were in one breastplate, they speak of the oneness of the people of God, while their position upon Aarons breast speaks of Gods affection for His people. And Gideon made an ephod of it and put it in his city, in Ophrah. The ephod supported the breastpiece of 12 precious stones. His name is Jesus Christ, and He is our great High Priest. Purple the God-Man (Blue+Red=Purple) Jesus who is the Last Adam! The Ephod is a beautiful reminder of the history of the Jewish people and their faith. However, it is still a very important part of Jewish tradition and culture. His thoughts are for us. Years later the prophet Samuel, who so pleased God especially in comparison to the showy, sinful sons of the prophet Eli, is described as wearing a linen ephod as he served the Lord as a boy (1 Samuel 2:18). Purple is the color of Royalty. It is a place of unlimited grace (i.e., unlimited favor). They attempted to follow everything God commanded, from His rules about how to properly make a sacrifice and how to build the tabernacle, to who gets to enter the tent and how they are to ceremonially prepare for this work. Learnt a lot from the work you put into this. It is often used in ceremonial dress, and it is also used in religious artwork. All the priests, including the high priest, wore a white linen tunic or kethoneth(Hebrew), a long-sleeved ankle-length garment. Also, the names were not simply written on the stones but rather engraved, meaning they can never be removed. David then inquired of God, and God told him what to do. Much effort went into the making of the ephod, and it was crafted from finery. The first two articles of clothing worn by the High Priest were the linen breeches and the linen coat. Again, He assesses us in the light of His unique Son, Jesus. Shes also produced a free eBook, A God-Centered Life: 10 Faith-Based Practices When Youre Feeling Anxious, Grumpy, or Stressed. Consequently, these clothes carried the richness and beauty that surpassed the royal robes of the mightiest kings of the surrounding empires. In Judges, we see that there was already a lot of division among the Israelites. What Is Linen Fabric? Linen vs. Cotton The ephod was also a symbol of the unity of the people. That is, God became something He was not before. The settings for the two sardonyx stones (i.e., memorial or remembrance stones) were attached at the ends of these straps, on the shoulders. This diadem, crown, or headband was constructed with one piece of pure gold engraved with the simple message, Holy to the Lord. Unlike the crown worn by royalty on top of the head, this is worn across the forehead and extends from ear to ear. Jesus, the one full of Grace and Truth! There was also a girdle sewed to the breastplate. These straps were attached to the ephod at the two upper corners. What did the priestly garments look like? Epomis, ephod, ephoud, Lat. According to this description, the Ephod was woven out of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet threads, was made of fine linen, and was embroidered with skillful work in gold thread (Exodus 28:614). Pomegranates, by contrast, are somewhat easier to identify. In the book of Exodus and in Leviticus one is described as being created for the High Priest to wear as part of his official vestments (Exodus 28:4+, 29:5, 39:2+; Leviticus 8:7). God desires His ministers to be even-tempered (i.e., cool-headed). He remains faithful, He is the God who saves. May God bless you abundantly! When Gideon made the ephod, he made it an object of worship for the Israelites. Jesus, our Great High Priest, has human emotions, human understanding, and human compassion. The breastplate was, in reality, a piece of elaborately finished cloth of the same material as the ephod. She has a weekly YouTube devotional, too. The High Priest was revered as much or more than any king or royalty of the nations around Israel. Thus, Aaron and his sons were ordained as Gods priests in accordance with all Gods commands. When Jesus says It is finished (or completed),what He is actually saying is, It is finishedand will continue to be finished. The first element of the perfect tense: the Aorist, punctiliar, point in time statement It is finished is powerful. To most commentators, a belt and shoulder straps suggested an apron-like garment. But the ephod is not just mentioned in Exodus and Leviticus. What Is an Ephod - Purpose and Meaning in the Bible 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. In the Books of Samuel and Books of Chronicles, David is described as wearing an ephod when dancing in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant (2 Samuel 6:14, 1 Chronicles 15:27) and one is described as standing in the sanctuary at Nob, with a sword behind it (1 Samuel 21:9). The high priest was the one who represented the people before God. As Christians, we can look at the image of the ephod and praise God that through the death of His Son, Jesus our Great High Priest, we can have direct access to God. Why did David request the ephod knowing he wasnt the High Priest? The other Levites were tasked with helping the priests in these duties (. Further, two onyx stones are to be mounted in gold and fastened on the ephods shoulder pieces. There was also a finely woven linen element to the piece. The high priest also wore a plate of pure gold on his forehead. Gods divinity has come from Heaven. 12 Fascinating Facts about the Ephod in the Bible | Ephod Bible Study The same as High Priests Tunic previously described. This skillful weave was not the routine cross-weave pattern found in most linen garments made from Israels looms. Ephod - Holman Bible Dictionary - StudyLight.org Presently, He desires to honor Jesus Christ through this Internet teaching ministry, thereby glorifying the Heavenly Father in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. For an object to be considered an object of worship, it must have the approval of the Aaronic priesthood and Levites. Here, the ephod is included among a litany of sacred garments Aaron is to wear. The biblical description (Exodus 28:16, 39:9) continues describing the size of the breastplate which is affixed to the front of the ephod as a square measuring one span by one span (the width of an outstretched hand from little finger tip to out stretched thumb tip). Thus Aaron will always bear the means of making decisions for the Israelites over his heart before the Lord. White represents Jesus purity and righteousness which is the legal foundation for our redemption. To wipe out this slight upon his own tribe, Gideon made an ephod bearing the name of Manasseh. ";[8] according to the Bible this action eventually caused the whole of Israel to turn away from God yet again and the ruin of Gideon and his family. White typifies righteousness and purity. Its skillfully woven waistband is to be like itof one piece with the ephod and made with gold, and with blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and with finely twisted linen (Exodus 28:6-8 NIV). So, What Is An Ephod? | Ephods & Pomegranates This uniform consisted of four White Garments: The White Garments revealed Jesus as the Son of Man, the Last Adam, who stepped down from Heaven to become a servant and shed His blood for the original sin of the First Adam and everyones subsequent sins. He was also the King of Salem, which means peace. For all time and eternity, we are the objects of the Fathers supreme affection, the recipients of His unlimited mercies (i.e., unlimited ability to meet all our needs, wants, and desires). APUD or APDO Gr. As a garment the ephod is referred to in the priestly ordinances as a part of the official dress of the high priest. There appears to have been a strong religious and ceremonial implication to wearing an ephod, since the 85 priests at Nob are specifically identified as being the type of people who wore an ephod;[2] though the Masoretic text here describes them as being linen ephods (1 Samuel 22:18) the word linen is not present in the Septuagint version of the passage, nor is it present when the Septuagint describes David and Samuel as girding themselves with an ephod. The breastplate, called the Urim and Thummim would rest in a cloth receptacle upon the ephod. Christianity.com is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, Christianity.com. Once you become purple, you can never become red again. (Tractate Yoma 72a) Some people[by whom?] Although David was not a priest, he was a man of God who sought to follow His will in all things. It was made . As God said through His prophet Hosea, The Israelites will live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or household gods (Hosea 3:4). Much effort went into the making of the ephod, and it was crafted from finery. God also told Moses to make sure the people stayed back and did not try to approach the Lord, for they were not holy or capable enough to be in His presence. (Romans 5:1,2). In one of the most effusive displays of worship recorded in the Bible, King David danced "before the Lord with all his might" ( 2 Samuel 6:14 ). Furthermore, the Lord clothes us with His own beauty, having imputed to us His sanctification. Textual scholars attribute the description of the Ephod in Exodus to the priestly source and to a date later than the other mentions of Ephod;[4] biblical scholars believe that the Ephod may have evolved over time into this highly ceremonial form from more primitive beginnings (the simple linen form described in the Books of Samuel), much like the manner in which the highly liturgical maniple evolved from an ordinary handkerchief. Gideons ephod just added to this division. These were integral elements in the communion between God and the high priest, like our union with Christ today, who represented the entire nation before God. The Obscure Ephod of the High Priest - TheTorah.com This doesnt always mean that he will give us an immediate answer, but if we trust him and follow his leading, he will never lead us astray. The name Urim means lights, while Thummim means perfections.On the front of the breastplate were fastened twelve precious stones infourrows of three. For Glory and Beauty, the garments bring praise to God and admiration from all that gaze upon them. Pictured above: Blue, purple, and scarlet wool yarn along with white linen thread and pure gold thread. Sweat was part of the curse and represents human works, effort, reasoning, striving, worrying, fear, etc. Jesus tunic was made out of the finest linen and was completely seamless. Jesus is the one who can help us find forgiveness and eternal life. The other meaning of ephod is somewhat similardescribed less as a garment but rather more as an item of ceremonial, sacred significance, much like an idol or other special item to be worn but not necessarily an item of clothing. Indeed, no one is exactly certain just what an Ephod was, other than something liturgical. He used to be only All God, but now He is also All man, making HIm the Perfect Man! (Deuteronomy 7:6. The book of 1 Chronicles states that David was "clothed with a robe of fine linen, as were all the . The stones represented the twelve tribes of Israel, and they were arranged in four rows of three stones each. The spiritual significance of the ephod is that it points to Jesus as our high priest. The integration of the stones in the breastplate, as well as the Hebrew usage of "Urim" as "lights," suggest that the Urim and Thummim may have been a type of ocular device through which the priest would look when receiving divine communication. In modern Christianity, it is easy to gloss over the parts of scripture that are no longer seen or practiced like the garments and items the Jewish priests wore in the Old Testament. On Mount Sinai, God commanded Moses to tell the people, Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. On many levels, linen and cotton are similar fabricsone made from the fibers of the cotton plant, the other from fibers of the flax plant, which has many of the same qualities as cotton. Glad this was of some help. You might be surprised at how relevant the image of the ephod is today. Listed below are a few of them. The ephod is frequently mentioned in close connection with the sacred oracle. What has been done today was commanded by the Lord to make atonement for you. God, the Father, takes the holy and righteous thoughts of Jesus and imputes them to us. Only the special priest could wear the ephod. This sash was made of only white linen thread. Heather, such a well detailed out explanation about the Ephod. An ephod (Hebrew: f; /fd/ or /ifd/) was a type of apron, which according to the Hebrew Bible, was worn by the Jewish high priest the kohen gadol, an artifact and an object to be revered in ancient Israelite culture, and was closely connected with oracular practices and priestly ritual. God is holy and sin separated God from His people but they could still come before Him through a priest following sacrifices and cleansing. David needed guidance from God, so he asked Abiathar again to bring him the ephod (1 Samuel 30:7). It is also to be noted that the high priests ephod (Exodus 28:6; Exodus 28:8, &c.) was made of shesh, while the garments of the ordinary priests, as well as the ephods of Samuel and David, were of bad. The High Priest and Priests wore no shoes or sandals, meaning they would walk barefoot, which is the prerequisite for walking on holy ground (Exodus 3:5). The wearer of such linen would not sweat. Jesus came from Heaven to become a red-blooded man. BIBLE WARDROBES AND THE CHRISTIAN WOMAN'S SPIRITUAL CLOTHING - Lesson 4 1 Peter 2:24). We set ourselves up for disappointment and disillusionment. He is not disappointed or angry at us living stones but rather well pleased since we are holy and perfect in Jesus Christ! This isnt mentioned negatively, but as an act of worship. In Exodus 39, we read how the Israelites were obedient in this and crafted the ephod exactly as God commanded. Lesser priests, as well as others engaged in sacred ministrations, Samuel (i Sam. Genesis 35:16-19). It was intended for both the front and back of the body and made in two parts, which were clasped together at the shoulder by two onyx stones set in gold. which was of the forementioned colors, with gold intermixed which, when it had gone once round, was tied again upon the seam and hung down.. He consecrated it to God, but after his death homage was paid to it as an idol. [2] The biblical description also adds that there were two engraved gems over the shoulder straps (like epaulettes), made from shoham (thought by scholars to mean malachite,[2][3] by Jewish tradition to mean heliodor,[2] and in the King James Version translated as "onyx", and with the names of the 12 tribes written upon them; the classical rabbinical sources differ as to the order in which the tribes were named on the jewels (Sotah 36a). When David asked for the Ephod, he was asking for a symbol of Gods presence and favor. (Romans 5:1,2. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and more. The high priest wore it when he went into the Holy of Holies to intercede with God on behalf of the people. Verse 6. Thank you for this information, God bless you. It is finished; the ceremonial law is abolished; the substance has now come, and all the shadows are done away. We become like Jesus with the difference that we started out all red and He started out all blue (i.e., all God). When you and I accept Jesus as our personal Savior, we, the red of human birth, accept the blue of Christs divinity,and we become purple, too! The word "ephod" occurs 51 times in 41 verses in the NASB, and refers to the sacred outer garment worn by the high priest, made of gold, blue, purple and scarlet yarn (colors of royalty), to which the breastpiece was attached, and worn over a blue robe. The Priestly Garments - Bible History It was as if The Word (i.e., Jesus) offered the animal sacrifices to God the Father. What Jesus is, we are in the sight of God. Here goes: Modern-day society can replace Jesus Christ with various things. We are also given the Holy Spirit, who helps us to grow in our relationship with God. Jesus removed the barrier between us and God. Again, what Jesus is is what we are in the sight of God! The necks opening was round, with a hem that was doubled over and closed by weaving-not by a needle. However, at Jesus Sanhedrin trial, the High Priest Caiaphas (the name means rock) tore his clothes even though this was forbidden. This arrangement of the tribes forms a cross with its base to the East. We dont need an ephod anymore, because Jesus fulfilled its purpose. Pictured above: Memorial Stones with the names of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, which had the names of the sons of Israel (Jacob) according to their birth order and were placed on the shoulders of the ephod (Exodus 28:9-12. Praecidan. The ephod is depicted here in yellow. The color of Grace. Notice that there are five components: Gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and linen. The Breastplate was also attached to the Ephod by one piece of blue wool yarn on each lower side. The Ephod - Theopolis Institute Ephod Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Similar material as the High Priests Turban previously described; however, it was donned by wrapping the head. (ee' fahd) A priestly garment connected with seeking a word from God and used in a wrong way as an idol.