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e1b1a in the levant

Nature 1998; 394: 138140. The outer and two inner fragments were amplified in a 10-l reaction volume containing 1l (1ng) of template DNA, 1.6l (50uM) dNTPs, 9.3nM TaqStart monoclonal antibody (BD Biosciences Clontech, Oxford, UK), 0.13U of Taq polymerase (HT Biotech, Cambridge, UK) and outer and inner primers (see Supplementary Table S2 for primer details). Wairak people in Tanzania tested 4.6% (2/43) positive for E-M10. The study revealed that he belonged to haplogroup E1b1b1. [12] One Carioca from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil tested positive for the M58 SNP. [5] The downstream SNP E-M180 may have originated in the humid south-central Saharan savanna/grassland of North Africa between 14,000 BP and 10,000 BP. like the Levant or the southern Arabian Peninsula could have served as an incubator for the early diversification of non-African uniparental haplogroup varieties like Y chromosome DE-YAP*, CF-P143* and mtDNA M and N . E1b1a and E1b1b are PN2 clade lineages. Prior to 2002, there were in academic literature at least seven naming systems for the Y-Chromosome Phylogenetic tree. (2018) tested the ancient DNA from 6th century Italy and Hungary and identified one E-V13 in Collegno (Turin) who was autosomally fully Italian (not a Lombard immigrant like many other samples tested). Whilst E1b1a reaches its highest frequency of 81% in Senegal, only 1 of the 139 Senegalese that were tested showed M191/P86. The increase in the rate of identification of slowly mutating NRY binary markers (ie, unique event polymorphisms (UEPs))21, 22, 23 has resulted in many studies designed to investigate the paternally mediated genetic relationships of sub-Saharan African populations. Wood ET, Stover DA, Ehret C et al. Evol Bioinform Online 2005; 1: 4750. The geographic distribution of the six main branches show that E-V13 quickly spread to all parts of Europe, but was especially common in Central Europe. Genealogical relationships of UEP markers used to define NRY haplogroups. These branches split from one another around 47,500 years ago in the horn of Africa, followed by the emergence of prominent SNP mutation E-M2 which gained footing there. The earliest known prehistoric sample to date is an E-V13 from Catalonia dating from 5000 BCE. Autosomally they could be modelled as 2/3 Natufian and 1/3 Sub-Saharan African (West African), confirming the close genetic link between Late Paleolithic North Africans and Mesolithic South Levantines. They further observe that the lack of genetic data makes it premature to reach sweeping conclusions concerning the EBSP. The major finding of these studies was that genetic distances (FST) among all EBSP groups are much less than the average FST among West-African and Nilo-Saharan groups, indicating a considerable level of homogeneity among EBSP groups. The TMRCA was estimated using an average NRY STR mutation rate of 0.00245 and generation time of 25 years. Whether origins of M81 lie in the Carthaginian or Roman elite, its parent clades M310.1 and Z827 would have originated in the Levant, and not in Northwest Africa. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd, 2006, pp 679685. Correspondence to Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004; 101: 975979. Beleza S, Gusmao L, Amorim A et al. This is a remarkably fast expansion that would have required a male line of considerable wealth and influence within the Roman Republic/Empire, and therefore probably a family of rich patricians or even a Roman emperor, not necessarily of Roman descent himself. He is best remembered for being a strong defender of slavery. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade brought people to North America, Central America and South America including the Caribbean. Am J Hum Genet 2004; 74: 454465. More specifically, E-M2 is the predominant subclade in West Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, and the region of the African Great Lakes; it also occurs at moderate frequencies in North Africa and Middle East. Group-based pharmacogenetic prediction: is it feasible and do current NHS England ethnic classifications provide appropriate data? The remains of the great Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio (1571-1610) were excavated to confirm the circumstances of his mysterious death at the age of 38. Under the latter no less than eight subclades have been identified at present: A930, A2227, CTS12227, FGC22844, PF2578, PF6794, MZ99 and Z5009. Newman JL : The Peopling of Africa: A Geographic Interpretation. E-M2 is approximately 7.77.9% of total US male population. E1b1b's gradient in the maps shows in Levant its 24% in Palestine, 17% Lebanon, 14% Syria, 10% Turkey so it should have been say 4% in extreme southern . He is the nephew of screenwriter, film director and producer Francis Ford Coppola, who shares the same haplogroup. Haplogroup E-V68, also known as E1b1b1a, is a major human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup found in North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia and Europe.It is a subclade of the larger and older haplogroup, known as E1b1b or E-M215 (also roughly equivalent to E-M35). The most prominent member is probably John C. Calhoun (17821850), who was the seventh Vice President of the United States. The pooled frequencies of E1b1a component haplogroups, based on their geographic locations, are also shown in Figure 2. There is clearly a radiation from the Greece (where E-V13 makes up approximately 30% of the paternal lineages) to the East Mediterranean (where the frequency drops to under 5%). Whether these E-M78 samples came with Neolithic farmers from the Near East or were already present among Mesolithic Europeans is unclear at present. The highest frequencies of E-M123 are observed in Jordan (31% near the Dead Sea), Ethiopia (5-20%), Israel/Palestine (10-12% among the Palestinians and the Jews), among the Bedouins (8%), in Lebanon (5%), in North Africa (3-5%), Anatolia (3-6%) and southern Europe, particularly Italy (1 to 8%), in the Spanish region of Extremadura (4%), and the Balearic islands of Ibiza and Minorca (average 10%). That would mean that the M81 lineage only started to expand in Roman times, and continued to diffuse within all the borders of the Roman Republic/Empire - not just North Africa, but also Iberia, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey and the Levant. What is even more surprising is that these subclades do not show any consistent geographic pattern. Only then would a later demic expansion have brought haplotype 22 chromosomes from central western to western Africa, giving rise to the opposite clinal distributions of haplotypes 22 and 24."[31]. R1b tribes invaded the Balkans, the southern half of Central Europe, and joined up with Corded Ware people in what is now Germany, the Czech Republic and western Poland. The distribution and age of E-V13 clades in central and western Europe are consistent with a dispersal by Hallstatt and La Tne Celts, Italic tribes (including a Roman redistribution) and the later influx of Germanic tribes, particularly the Goths, who may have assimilated additional Proto-Slavic E-V13 lineages in East Germany, Poland and Ukraine before entering the Roman Empire. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995. Migrations within the Roman Empire probably played a role, although a minor one, in the redistribution of E1b1b in Europe. 2002 ). You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Table 1 reports the frequencies of all observed haplogroups, including the component haplogroups of E1b1a. This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup subclades is based on the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC) 2008 Tree,[76] the ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup E Tree,[7] and subsequent published research. L576 gave rise to a deeper subclade of M180/P88, P182, L88.3, L86, and PAGES0006. [25] Lima was of West African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-M4671 and L3b3. M310.1 itself dates from the Late Paleolithic and could have come to Italy via Anatolia and Greece any time between the Late Glacial period and the Iron Age, including with Neolithic farmers, the Minoans, or the Etruscans. In . Ashkenazi Jews have approximately 20% of E1b1b, which falls mostly under specific clades of E-M123. [15] Using Whit Athey's haplogroup predictor based on Y-STR values both mummies were predicted to share the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a1-M2 and 50% of their genetic material, which pointed to a father-son relationship. Sir David Attenborough (b. Holden CJ : Bantu language trees reflect the spread of farming across sub-Saharan Africa: a maximum-parsimony analysis. The descendants of L791, Y2947 and Y4971, only appeared around 3500 BCE, during the Late Neolithic or Chalcolithic period. Eur J Hum Genet 2005; 13: 867876. Multiple origins of Ashkenazi Levites:Y chromosome evidence for both Near Eastern and European ancestries. Y6923 also emerged around 3500 BCE, but became almost extinct. (E1b1a) and E-M215 (E1b1b), with V38/V100 joining the two previously separated lineages E-M2 (former E1b1a) and E-M329 (former E1b1c). [30] Three South Africans tested positive for this marker. The making of the African mtDNA landscape. The haplogroup E1b1a8, defined by U175, has a TMRCA of only 18632163 YBP but a geographic distribution, excepting the Anuak of Ethiopia, which is equally extensive as that of E1b1a7. Trombetta B, Cruciani F, Sellitto D, Scozzari R : A new topology of the human Y chromosome haplogroup E1b1 (E-P2) revealed through the use of newly characterized binary polymorphisms. 194, Last edited on 14 February 2023, at 11:37, Conversion table for Y chromosome haplogroups, Y-chromosome haplogroups in populations of the world, Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of Sub-Saharan Africa, "The peopling of the last Green Sahara revealed by high-coverage resequencing of trans-Saharan patrilineages", "Phylogeographic Refinement and Large Scale Genotyping of Human Y Chromosome Haplogroup E Provide New Insights into the Dispersal of Early Pastoralists in the African Continent", "Whole-Genome-Sequence-Based Haplotypes Reveal Single Origin of the Sickle Allele during the Holocene Wet Phase", "A new topology of the human Y chromosome haplogroup E1b1 (E-P2) revealed through the use of newly characterized binary polymorphisms", "Y-DNA Haplogroup E and its Subclades 2010", "Y-chromosomal diversity in the population of Guinea-Bissau: a multiethnic perspective", "Contrasting patterns of Y chromosome and mtDNA variation in Africa: evidence for sex-biased demographic processes", "The phylogeography of Y chromosome binary haplotypes and the origins of modern human populations", "Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa", "Supplementary Materials for Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa", "Revisiting the harem conspiracy and death of Ramesses III: anthropological, forensic, radiological, and genetic study", "Insights from ancient DNA analysis of Egyptian human mummies: clues to disease and kinship", "Ancient DNA reveals a multistep spread of the first herders into sub-Saharan Africa", "Supplementary Materials for Ancient DNA reveals a multistep spread of the first herders into sub-Saharan Africa", "Origin and Health Status of First-Generation Africans from Early Colonial Mexico", "Disentangling the Impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in African Diaspora Populations from a Genomic Perspective", "Multidisciplinary investigation reveals an individual of West African origin buried in a Portuguese Mesolithic shell midden four centuries ago", "Supplementary Materials for The genomic history of the Iberian Peninsula over the past 8000 years", "The genomic history of the Iberian Peninsula over the past 8000 years, TablesS1-S5", "Materials/Methods, Supplementary Text, Tables, Figures, and/or References", "Community-engaged ancient DNA project reveals diverse origins of 18th-century African descendants in Charleston, South Carolina", "Evolutionary history of sickle-cell mutation: implications for global genetic medicine", "Recent Adaptive Acquisition by African Rainforest Hunter-Gatherers of the Late Pleistocene Sickle-Cell Mutation Suggests Past Differences in Malaria Exposure", "Sickle -globin haplotypes among patients with sickle cell anemia in Basra, Iraq: A cross-sectional study", "The Levant versus the Horn of Africa: evidence for bidirectional corridors of human migrations", "A back migration from Asia to sub-Saharan Africa is supported by high-resolution analysis of human Y-chromosome haplotypes", "Ethiopians and Khoisan share the deepest clades of the human Y-chromosome phylogeny", "Linking the sub-Saharan and West Eurasian gene pools: maternal and paternal heritage of the Tuareg nomads from the African Sahel", "Genetic diversity on the Comoros Islands shows early seafaring as major determinant of human biocultural evolution in the Western Indian Ocean", "On the origins and admixture of Malagasy: new evidence from high-resolution analyses of paternal and maternal lineages", "High frequencies of Y chromosome lineages characterized by E3b1, DYS19-11, DYS392-12 in Somali males", "High-resolution analysis of human Y-chromosome variation shows a sharp discontinuity and limited gene flow between northwestern Africa and the Iberian Peninsula", "Phylogeographic analysis of haplogroup E3b (E-M215) y chromosomes reveals multiple migratory events within and out of Africa", "Ancestral Asian source(s) of new world Y-chromosome founder haplotypes", "A predominantly neolithic origin for Y-chromosomal DNA variation in North Africa", "Reduced genetic structure of the Iberian peninsula revealed by Y-chromosome analysis: implications for population demography", "The genetic legacy of religious diversity and intolerance: paternal lineages of Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula", "Saudi Arabian Y-Chromosome diversity and its relationship with nearby regions", "Y-chromosome diversity characterizes the Gulf of Oman", "Y-chromosomal evidence for a limited Greek contribution to the Pathan population of Pakistan", "Sub-populations within the major European and African derived haplogroups R1b3 and E3a are differentiated by previously phylogenetically undefined Y-SNPs", "Genetic origin, admixture, and asymmetry in maternal and paternal human lineages in Cuba", "Colloquium paper: genome-wide patterns of population structure and admixture among Hispanic/Latino populations", "Y-chromosomal variation in sub-Saharan Africa: insights into the history of Niger-Congo groups", "Little genetic differentiation as assessed by uniparental markers in the presence of substantial language variation in peoples of the Cross River region of Nigeria", "Development of a single base extension method to resolve Y chromosome haplogroups in sub-Saharan African populations", "A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing", "The imprint of the Slave Trade in an African American population: mitochondrial DNA, Y chromosome and HTLV-1 analysis in the Noir Marron of French Guiana", "New binary polymorphisms reshape and increase resolution of the human Y chromosomal haplogroup tree", "A Predominantly Indigenous Paternal Heritage for the Austronesian-Speaking Peoples of Insular Southeast Asia and Oceania", "Hierarchical Patterns of Global Human Y-Chromosome Diversity", "Patterns of inter- and intra-group genetic diversity in the Vlax Roma as revealed by Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA lineages", "Paternal Population History of East Asia: Sources, Patterns, and Microevolutionary Processes", "Y-Chromosome Evidence for a Northward Migration of Modern Humans into Eastern Asia during the Last Ice Age",, M2, DYS271/SY81, M291, P1/PN1, P189.1, P293.1, This page was last edited on 14 February 2023, at 11:37. The third are the Goths. It is likely that most E-V13 in the Middle East is ultimately of Greek or Roman origin, although some might have come with Bronze Age Indo-European migrations via Iran. Only two other haplogroups exceeded 5% of the total: BT* (xDE,KT) (7.5%) and E* (xE1b1a) (5.1%). Tanya M Simms 2011, The Peopling of the Bahamas: A Phylogeographical The finer branches of the genealogical tree were associated with lower estimates of TMRCA (Figure 1). CTS1096 split into three subclades around 7,500 to 7,000 years ago, a period that corresponds to the advent of the Copper Age around modern Kurdistan. By the time this paper was written ancient DNA data from the Levant and the Near East had surfaced. It is likely to have expanded south as the demographic events comprising the EBSP took place. BMC Evol Biol 2009; 9: 80. [20], At Cabeo da Amoreira, in Portugal, an enslaved West African man, who may have been from the Senegambian coastal region of Gambia, Mauritania, or Senegal, and carried haplogroups E1b1a and L3b1a, was buried among shell middens between the 16th century CE and the 18th century CE. Int J Legal Med 1997; 110: 125129. Abingdon: Garland Science, 2004. The advantage of this hypothesis is that M81 is indeed found exclusively within the borders of the Roman Empire, and in a big part of the empire. Naser Ansari Pour. E1b1a and E1b1b-V22 tend to have lower values for this STR compared to other E1b1b haplogroups, but still the reported value is very rare in any of these haplogroups, and it looks like another suspicious STR value. [2] E-M329 is also frequent in Southwestern Ethiopia, especially among Omotic -speaking populations. Sociological data were also collected from most individuals, including age, current residence, birthplace, self-declared cultural identity, first language, second language and (when available) religion of the individual, as well as similar information on the individuals father, mother, paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother. [30] E-M10 was found in a single person of the Lissongo group in the Central African Republic and two members in a "Mixed" population from the Adamawa region.[12]. This led the authors to suggest that E-V38 may have originated in East Africa. E1b1a (L576) This population represents an East to West thrust in Africa, only E1b1a lineage able to survive crossing the A1b1 territories. and JavaScript. The phylogeography of Y chromosome binary haplotypes and the origins of modern human populations. E-M2 is the most common haplogroup in . "E3a" redirects here. Yes, I'm aware of Ramesses III belonging to Haplogroup E1b1a, but additional genetic testing suggest that the remains may indeed belong to y-dna haplogroup E1b1b[citation needed] which split from E1b1a about 40-50 thousand years ago, and tends to be common in the Levant, Northern Africa, and the Rift valley region in modern times. Cereal farming may therefore trace its roots (literally) to the E1b1b tribes of the Mesolithic Levant. Gusmao L, Sanchez-Diz P, Calafell F et al. Bantu and European Y-lineages in sub-Saharan Africa. Genome Res 1997; 7: 9961005. [59] It has also been observed in a number of populations in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America among people of African descent. Hammer MF : A recent common ancestry for human Y chromosomes. [29], E-M2's frequency and diversity are highest in West Africa. [31] 15% (10/69) of Hutus in Rwanda tested positive for M58. All of the groups characterised in this study speak a Niger-Congo language, except for the Anuak in south-west Ethiopia who speak a Nilo-Saharan language. These are the mutations, "M", or mutation 2 = M2. L2a is widespread in Africa and the most common and . Table 2 contains the six-STR haplotype gene diversities for E1b1a component haplogroups present in all three West, West-Central and East-Central regions. From this subclade, all the major subclades (i.e. The K257 and Y4970 branch emerged around 3000 BCE and is found in Iran, Armenia, Turkey, Russia, Greece, Italy and France, among others. Diamond J, Bellwood P : Farmers and their languages: the first expansions. [25] Lisa was of West African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-Z6020 and H100. This era, which ended in a large-scale civilization collapse across this region ( Cline, 2014 ), shaped later periods both demographically and culturally. The E1b1b1a lineage is identified by the presence of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation on the Y chromosome, which . Thomas MG, Skorecki K, Ben Ami H, Parfitt T, Bradman N, Goldstein DB : Origins of old testament priests. The highest percentage of E-M81 in Europe is found among the Pasiegos (30%, n=101), an isolated community living in the mountains of Cantabria. Ronny Decorte, a geneticist from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, tested relatives of Adolf Hitler and determined that the Frher belonged to haplogroup E1b1b. Weale ME, Shah T, Jones AL et al. (2011) only found one out of 505 tested African subjects who was U175 positive but negative for U209. This origin is in line with the origins of the ancient Israelite people, from whom Jews are traditionally believed to descend from, and whose homeland was the ancient Kingdom of Israel now the modern day State of Israel, located in the Levant. All modern carriers of this lineage descend from a common ancestor who lived only 1,200 years ago, and all are Ashkenazi Jews. The ancestral L485 SNP (along with several of its subclades) was very recently discovered. His real name is Nicolas Kim Coppola, and his paternal great-grand-father emigrated to the U.S. from the South Italian town of Bernalda in Basilicata. . They published a joint paper that created a single new tree that all agreed to use.

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