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city of st john's fence regulations

271. (7) 103. Audited statement (4) The city medical officer, through his or her employees or agents, may vacate the dwelling, and the servants or agents shall be entitled to enter the dwelling forcibly and eject the occupants. The lands and all buildings on the lands, the lakes and water supply of the city, the water mains, service pipe, hydrants and all other property connected with the water supply of the city, the sewers and sewer pipes, the soil and freehold of every street now open, whether acquired by original grant, or by the user, purchase, gift or bequest, or which afterward may be acquired, are vested in the City of St. John's and shall be held and occupied by the city for the public and common benefit and use of the city, according to the intent of the original grant, purchase, gift, bequest or acquisition. 312. Party walls Contact. to fix and prescribe the duties and regulate the conduct of licensees in relation to the public and the rights and duties of the public in relation to licensees in all matters pertaining to their business; and. "city" means the City of St. John's Record of by-laws The council may by by-law dissolve a business improvement area and a board of a business improvement area, (a) A privy or cesspool shall not be permitted within the city limits except for temporary purposes and by special permission, but the council shall have power to permit the use of septic tanks in localities where sewage connections are impossible, provided they are constructed and used according to the rules and regulations provided. The Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation or another body designated under subsection (1) may in addition to or instead of the regulations made under that subsection adopt and constitute as regulations by reference to it the provisions of the National Building Code of Canada A prosecution for the recovery of penalties shall not be started after the expiration of 6 months from the date when they were incurred. 290. (1)The council is empowered to declare and designate, as an urban development, redevelopment or renewal area, in this section called a "development area", an area in the city which in the opinion of the council requires planning, designing, development, redevelopment, building, rebuilding or renewal in this section called "development" in the interests of the city or a part of the city. Appraising rental value Except with express permission granted by resolution of the council, another person, other than the city, shall not assume or use the Coat of Arms of the City of St. John's or a design in imitation of it or calculated to deceive by its resemblance to it or a paper or other material upon which the Coat of Arms of the City of St. John's or a design in imitation of it or calculated to deceive by its resemblance to it is stamped, engraved, printed or otherwise marked. fines, fees, commissions or other sums earned by or awarded or granted to members in connection with the performance of their duties, over and above their regular pay and allowances, and. 291. Seal required (6) (13) (2) Special appraisement (1)The council may impose a tax to be known as the entertainment tax, upon all theatrical, musical, cinematograph, dancing, pantomime, athletic, circus or other kind of public performances, exhibitions or entertainments, including indoor skating and hockey, conducted within the city limits. (8) Vehicles for hire to visit, when requested by the mayor, an employee of the city absent from duty on the ground or plea of ill health, and to report as to the nature of the illness. riot, civil commotion or epidemic; the council or mayor may declare a state of emergency in the city or a specified part of the city. by inspecting each service cock and testing each one for waste by sound, or by turning the water off and on by the service cock; and. (4) The obligation of the council to make contributions to the pension scheme of the city in respect of employees described in subsection (2) begins with the date the employee becomes an employee of the council and liable to contribute to the pension fund of the city and does not bind before that date or otherwise. (2) In this section "occupier" means the person in possession of or having control over the property or that part of the property into which or upon which entrance was refused. The development appeal board or the council shall cause to be produced before the judge on the hearing of the appeal all papers and documents in its possession affecting the matter of the appeal. 132. 11. Fire prevention Nothing contained in subsection (9) shall affect or be considered to have affected the liability of the occupier for a water tax imposed on the occupier under this section and the council shall have a right of action against the owner or the occupier or both for the amount of water tax. to regulate and control the operation of bicycles in the city; (a.1) A member of the council shall not be liable under section 302 after 12 months from the date the debt is incurred or of the expenditure is made. Where the mortgagee or his or her agent is in possession of the property or the rents and profits of the property, the council shall have the right to sue for and recover the assessment from the mortgagee, who shall have the right to claim over for the amount paid by him or her against the mortgagor, and with the same remedies as provided by the mortgage in respect of interest. (2) for the collection of ashes and garbage, and. 3. 85. (2) (5) (3) 191. (a) Search Regional Fire Department referred to in section 353.1; (k) Residential property requiring residential property below the prescribed standards to be repaired and maintained to comply with the standards or the land to be cleared of all buildings and structures and left in a graded and levelled condition; and. Council as owner Commercial property The regional fire services committee shall consist of 4 persons, 2 of whom shall be appointed by the city from among members of the council and 2 of whom shall be appointed by the council of the City of Mount Pearl established under theCity of Mount Pearl Act Where land is situated at the junction of and abuts on 2 streets both of which are paved by the council or along both of which curbs and gutters are laid, the owner of the land shall be exempt from liability for the cost of paving or the laying of curbs and gutters along 1 of the streets to the extent of 24.384 metres. By-Laws | City of Saint John, New Brunswick 328. proposals as to lines of sewers and pipes, mains or conduits, for the supply of water, gas and electricity. Planning by-law Park (a) (d) (c) Regulations re: management of fire department, 340.15 1, as amended by the Act 56 Vic., (Session 2) Cap. 19. In an application made under section 395, the council shall be considered to be the plaintiff and the occupier referred to in that section shall be considered to be the defendant. All fences, walls and hedges shall comply with the following requirements which relate to height, location and design. . connect a spout or rain conductor, discharging upon the sidewalk with a drain or sewer leading from the building to which the spout or conductor is attached; and. To report an accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please contact our accessibility coordinator at (904) 209-0650. 245. (7) 2. Park The total amount of securities to be guaranteed shall not in the first instance exceed 75% of an amount to be fixed in the deed of trust as representing the value of the lands and housing accommodation and improvements to be built and made on the lands, and the deed may make provisions for the expenditure of additional money on the lands and housing accommodation and improvements and for the acquisition of additional lands to be made part of the mortgaged premises, and for expenditure on the lands, and for the issue of additional guaranteed securities under the deed, but so that the total amount outstanding shall not exceed 75% of the value of the mortgaged premises to be ascertained and fixed in the manner provided in the deed, and for the issue of the additional securities in advance of expenditure, and for the disposition of the money to be raised by sale, pledge or otherwise, pending the expenditure of it. 70. 1 Ord. Procedure Municipal Elections Act (iii) 110. to apply to the building of houses of moderate size and suitable for dwellings for the working classes the proportion of the general funds of the city that may be considered expedient; (b) (1)The council has power, with respect to land and buildings within the city or within 1 mile outside the limits of the city. (2) Minutes recorded as principal or, where so authorized, as agent of the province, to enter into an agreement with the Government of Canada, the government of the province and a federal or provincial housing corporation or organization, relating to a land assembly or housing project for the provision of dwelling houses within or outside the limits of the city which the council considers desirable and whether carried on under the National Housing Act A person who contravenes or fails to comply with this section, shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding $5 for every day during which the contravention or failure to comply continues, or the fence may be erected by the council and its cost recovered from the owner. 265. (a) (1)The council shall appoint those officers, firefighters and other employees that are necessary for the proper functioning of the fire department. 71. Abattoirs & markets Where an order of the chief medical officer or the council issued under this Act is not complied with, or not substantially complied with, within 5 days after the service of the order, or within the shorter time that he or she or it may designate, then the order shall be executed by the city medical officer or council through his or her or its officers, agents, employees or contractors, and the cost shall be paid by the owner of the building, who shall also be liable to a fine of $5 for every day during which he or she has neglected or refused to obey the order. 151. The design, color and material of the fence shall be complementary or shall match the principal structure on the property. Where the arbitrator whose appointment is revoked under subsection (8) is the arbitrator who was appointed as chairperson, subsections (4) and (5) respecting the appointment of the arbitrator who is to be chairperson shall, with the necessary changes, apply. 340.5 (4) The money necessary to defray the cost of improvements may be borrowed by the council from a bank or by the issue of notes or debentures and shall not be considered as part of the funded debt of the city. A vacant lot suitable for building purposes situated at the intersection of 2 streets, in each of which a sewer is constructed, shall be considered to front on both streets, but shall be exempt from liability on 1 of the streets to the extent of 24.384 metres. A building, structure, land or area designated by the council shall not be demolished or built upon nor shall the exteriors of the building or structure be altered, except with the approval of the council. to inspect a work during its erection, alteration, or repair and where the building has been erected, altered, or repaired in accordance with the plans as approved by the city engineer, and with the requirements of this Act or of a by-law passed under this Act to issue a certificate to that effect but in the case of a newly erected building the certificate shall take the form, as in Schedule D, of a permit to occupy the building; and. 304. 72. 340. An order made under subsection (2) may provide that for the purposes of an election of the council, the order may have effect on a different date than for other purposes. 60. 4. and the regulations made under that Act shall apply. 162. 114. The conviction of a person for an offence under this Act shall not relieve the person from the duty of carrying out the requirements imposed on him or her by virtue of the provisions of this Act or an order, rule, regulation, or by-law of the council or an official of the city made under this Act, and where the requirements or obligations are not complied with in accordance with an order made under this Act, the council may, where it considers it necessary, authorize an official to enter upon the premises in respect of which a conviction has been made and carry out, at the expense of the convicted person, the requirements referred to in the order. requiring commercial property below the prescribed standards to be prepared and maintained to comply with the standards or the land to be cleared of all buildings and structures and left in a graded and levelled condition; and.

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