The card may also be a sign that you have lost faith in yourself, that you feel weakness, fear, and shame. Some people behave like this; they may need you, but they will put up a fight if you are abrupt and forceful with them. If you allow it, Strengths energy will make your relationships stronger and more durable. If you draw the Strength card as the pending or imminent situation, you have reclaimed your self-esteem and found your inner power! The trees and mountains in the background appear so small in comparison with Strength one might say she is a giant! This deviant behavior creates a sense of insecurity and fuels codependency. Only when these requirements are met will definite answers and clarity appear. It may indicate that you seem like someone whos looking for trouble, someone who is always trying to dominate the conversation by being the loudest person in the room and accepting no opinion other than your own. Even so, she will offer forgiveness and show patience and understanding when others would simply turn their backs and leave. They want you to be in that role for as long as possible. The only thing is he will think that much he wont actually take no action, and as hes the Kos it doesn't mean hes emotionless he just doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. When the whole universe seems to stand against you, there may be a good reason for that, and all the power in the world wont change a thing. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, Strength means that they see you as an amazing partner with whom they share a deep connection. You are able to handle anything that comes your way and possess the inner strength to get through any challenging of difficult times. You are someone who has significantly helped them in their personal growth. You are always kind, but your kindness is level-headed and only applies to perfect situations. When drawn to specify a persons feelings towards you, it can also mean that you hold some kind of power over them. Consider this phrase: nothing for me that is not for others. At any rate, Strength arrives when youre ready to employ it for the greater good and when youre wise enough to accept responsibility for your actions. It would be wise to stay vigilant and awake; as weve said before, the lion has a tenacious and unpredictable temperament. Finally, as the Strength card reversed means a lack of vital energy, you may be working too much and pushing yourself. Even if she is afraid, she does not lose heart. They are in awe of your qualities of determination and compassion. It takes patience, tolerance, understanding, and self-restraint to achieve what Strength does with seemingly no effort. They feel understood by you, and you have made a lasting impact on them through your kindness and compassion. Strength represents a strong, independent, beautiful woman. What made them feel this way? As with all reversed cards, Strength, in this case, denotes a lack of everything she represents in the upright position, so this will likely be an interval when you may feel weak and scared. Being able to maintain composure in difficult situations is a sign that you have true strength of character. Strength in an upright position is truly a wonderful card to receive. It also refers to unconscious energy, subtle control, and gut feeling. If you are asking about an exs intentions, Strength reversed shows that they see you as someone who significantly hurt them. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. Not one of fertility and abundance, but a deity of harmony and coexistence. He searches within himself for the answers, making him feel cold and detached and also coming across that way. Her imperfections make her all the more attractive; shes not a doll to be toyed with but a genuine human being with a gallant spirit. The lion does not depend on luck or the turn of a friendly card. But more importantly, this time he may just be tired of the "go away/come here" game and doesn't want to play anymore. - Passionate, energetic and inspirational; - this card has often represented the energy of someone who's been burned in the past; they like you, but they are leery of letting down their emotional guard. Strength as How Someone Sees You (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meaning By Strength is the card of strength, compassion, influence, persuasion, and determination. People, from the moment they see you, have a pre-conceived idea of who you are what you probably sound like, what your strength-tarot-how-someone-sees-you Ask unlimited questions. Should you receive this card when asking about your future, let your heart find comfort in the fact that you will discover a way to survive and finally succeed. Do you think its time for a promotion or maybe a promising investment? This card indicates a true friend who will support you and guide you even in the darkest times. I think they would stimulate your feelings for them; - He has weighed the possibility of you two, and decided not to take any action (yet? To experience the whole spectrum of feelings in all their intensity and yet act with reason and compassion; that is true power. You may be blocking your way to freedom, feeling insecure and exhausted. Even walking close by might drain their energy and cause them to relive the hurtful memory. This is a transformative time for them. But if you want to reconcile with your ex, they must first find and develop their inner strength. Consider taking a break from work to rest, relax, and focus on your well-being. To become better by acknowledging your weakness and by showing humility and diligence even when you are at your strongest. How do you cleanse tarot cards in between readings. The brave woman in the card soothes the wild animal. You are seen as a unique, joyous human being who lacks inhibitions and fear. Persistence and training can help you to tame your instincts and embrace your nature. It is through your care and nurture that they feel whole and complete, confident and strong. You can fight for your opinions and your believes, and you have no fear of being different.With the 8 of pentacles it could mean you put a lot of efforts and energy to reach your goals when it's important to you. Theres also a possible indicator of a power struggle, where two or more people (or institutions) fight and argue to establish their points of view and debunk the claims of the opposing party. Better be safe than sorry. - Ace of wands is about enthusiasm for that person, you would inspire that person, they would have confidence in you and you would have confidence in them. Your relationship is off to a great start. Try giving answers to these questions, and maybe youll soon realize that whatever projections you had created that placed these fears in the outside world, they ultimately reside within your mind. But as soon as you try to say "yeah, I had a bad day too" they need to go for some reason. They may even get butterflies in their stomach when they see you. Strength describes a situation of joy and inner calm. The Rider Waite card bears the number 8, having swapped places with Justice. Give them space and time to think. Work on your resilience until youre ready to face the world again without fear. While the negative traits of Strength might appear in an upright position and vice versa, it is important to examine each card from every possible angle. A woman is gently stroking a lionshe has completely tamed this wild beast. - he sees her as something of a mystery (since it's a new relationship), that he has romantic fantasies but no idea what the reality might be; - intelligent ( spiritual and reasonably warm ); - the universe never gives you more than you can handle; Optimistic. Choose and mention only the skills that are relevant to the position. Of course, we have to consider locations in the wilderness where wild animals roam free or even a natural history museum. You may find yourself clinging to people or situations that you should be letting go of, craving attention or reassurance, and yielding to emotional distress. It could also mean that you need to take a break. If you have just met, this person could feel you have known each other forever. Indeed she is like a goddess of the Earth. Strong. Strength can be found in places far away from the noise and confusion of modern society. Strength training can help you manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories. The card indicates that you will feel powerful, secure, and confident. When you complete this list, choose three to five of those strengths that match what the employer is seeking in the job posting. About laying down rules. This card, in reverse, describes two extreme conditions, which nonetheless have the same result. The fire sign Leo, ruled by the Sun, and the Strength card share the most obvious symbolic connection between Astrology and Tarot: the fierce lion. In the obstacle position, Strength reversed indicates that you may have been trying to achieve something for which you are not ready yet, and you let your emotions control you. Dont get carried away. - Page of wands is a bit immature, as all wands; - a hot temper, fiery, passionate, go-getter wham-bham here-today gone tomorrow 'Right Now' attitude; - as someone who's incapable of keeping her fire in check, i.e., hot-tempered; - Feelings suggested are probably very intense and warm toward you; - you have the potential to be loving and kind. It can also refer to any place where you feel strong and confident. The animal instinct is allowed expression in the greatest, most beautiful way possible, thanks to a strong foundation of trust and security, or spontaneous passion and fateful attraction. When strength tarot card meaning appears in your reading, it is a clear indication that you will need stamina and patience to overcome certain obstacles in your love life, work, or relationships. In this light, others may think that you need to be disciplined and taught how to behave because they see you as a lesser being. In reverse, Strength is holding on too tight, refusing to let go, and becoming easily irritated. In the modern, highly competitive financial world, only the bravest and the smartest claim the rewards. Therefore, if you receive Strength reversed for such a question, then the answer is quite possibly No. Maybe you lack the conviction or confidence to achieve what you desire for now, or youve been wasting your energy in the wrong direction. Three of Wands as Personality types. They may also desire attention and support from you and a strong connection that will stand the test of time. They need to do shadow work before they can move forward. From a psychologists office to a park where people relax and unwind, this card in this context is open to personal interpretation. But if the card comes in reverse, then there might be some aspects about this person that you should be careful of. However, new challenges could appear to test your mettle. As far as the feelings of somebody else go, you might not be surprised if you realized that, besides admiration, this person feels an attraction towards you, and even romantic passion. Dont neglect or push yourself. Get people to listen to you at work and socially. Possibly even a soulmate; - Fours are about stability and Cups are about emotion, so it's about emotional stability. The figure in the card has tamed the wild instinct and defeated fear. Trust in yourself and believe that youre capable of success. This is a positive card that indicates progress and forward motion. You have a great influence on their life. You may experience some kind of setback or financial loss if you dont play your cards right. Do away with naivety; it is great peril in and of itself. Imagine the frustration of being treated as a lesser being, as a mere sex object. Someone with a strong, stable positive . You may otherwise have adopted a defeatist attitude, and thats just not the material that winners are made of. Thus, the querent succumbs to the others demands and whims, however irrational, to ensure that their submission will be accepted and compensate for the weakness of their spirit. This card, in reverse, is characteristic of emotional blocks. When reversed, the Strength card indicates inner conflict, cowardice, and feeling vulnerable. Check it out, then let me know your experience. Someone who does not delegate, has to do the work themselves, tend to be streesed, a hard worker. But if you cross her, you are in trouble! They cannot do anything without you. Otherwise, your relationship is doomed. Shine in your own confidence. Theres a chance somebody wants to take something from you without your consent, expects you to take care of them no matter what, or desperately tries to prove they are better than you, and anybody else for that matter. Strength represents a supportive and loyal friend. Moon Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, Strength reversed means that they see you as someone they cannot wholly trust. This friendship will stand the test of time and gives you the resolve to carry on. Confidence is silent. Consider a more careful approach and find the courage to work harder, demand what you deserve, and learn from your mistakes. More or less agree with your assessment. Life may seem unbearable for a while, and a hidden danger will be revealed. He is in a transformation and feels very low on self confidence. Hard working. Strength reversed means that they see you as their strength. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, Strength is a sign that they see you as someone who changes them. She protects and accepts her loved ones with all their flaws, knowing that everybody needs the gentle, nurturing touch of a sensitive female figure in their life. Acknowledge and express what you feel, but dont let emotions get in the way of understanding what its all about and working things out. Strength speaks of a permanent boon, like receiving indispensable knowledge or acquiring a helpful skill. Considering the above, the Strength card in reverse will likely represent a woman who is conscious of her struggle, who is trying to fight her way through an unfair world, who wants to be strong and independent, but has yet to trust in her abilities. Well-balanced, you are exactly where youre supposed to be. The symbol of infinity hovers above Strengths head, revealing a connection to the Magician. Feel in control when you are out of your comfort zone. They did not see this coming. Eight of Wands Feelings for Someone. Reversed Strength indicates that you need some time off to rest, gather yourself, and focus on self-care. However, there are safe havens even within the bustling noise of crowded cities. This card is a definite sign that you are stronger than you thought you were and that you can embrace the trauma instead of pushing it away into forgetfulness. Imagine if you could discover how the world truly sees you. She may try to hide her weakness by putting on a brave face and claiming shes doing fine on her own, but she needs all the love and support she can get. You may also want to stay within your comfort zone for a while; theres no need to invite danger into your life. Be brave, calm, and patient, and learn to work with others. Here, the card suggests that you embrace what has happened, dont fight about it. Ultimately, the negative side of Strength is neglecting what makes you human and either giving in to what is eating you up inside or trying to force things, trying to impose your will upon the world instead of choosing a natural and unifying course of action. When you see through them they go deeper into their false characters in an attempt to save face. But a Page of Swords also likes to keep it's distance a bit, to be a bit cautious; - intelligent ( bitter and sarcastic );- quick witted; - intellectual;- analytical;- weighing of options; - someone who over thinks things and is unable to come to a decision. When it comes to how someone else's feelings, the Strength . My interpretation is that the person is trying to "get to me" or perhaps "get me" and "reach out" but is running into some of their own past wounds, and therefore protective. Regarding another person, if they are not angry at you, they might feel a strong desire that makes them vulnerable to everything you say. When the Strength card is drawn to describe how someone sees you, it means they find you beautiful and strong! You have sparked their interest and they have a crush. What seems like a dangerous, risky gamble for some people is simply in a days work for someone who knows what theyre doing. You should, nonetheless, bear in mind that this is fragile stability and that it all depends on how you proceed. The Tarot is, after all, a tool for guidance. Shes dressed in white and adorned with flowers, standing in a field under the golden sky. Reversed: The Strength Meaning Dark times may not be over yet, but youre ready to face any obstacle that lies on the road ahead. They know that with your inner strength and compassion, you will be a terrific partner. Star Tarot Card Meaning 35 Interpretations! The narrative someone else has assigned you is not your responsibility. This card encourages you to seize the day and trust your instincts. She has defeated fear and embraced her trauma. Have you ever wondered about what someone else wants from you or what their intentions are, and the Strength card showed up? Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. That is what quiet power means, to treat lifes even most unpredictable challenges with respect, as an opportunity to become stronger and better. It does not matter, as long as you get the anger off your chest. But perhaps it is beyond your control, so best leave it as it is. First is that you have the self-awareness to reflect on your performance in the workplace. You may experience intense feelings and new sensations. Shes not imposing her will upon the beast; shes not forcing or holding it back, but rather nurturing and pacifying it. By embracing. It also shows us what we need to do to bring that energy of strength and security into our livesby leaning into our inner fortitude, kindness, and empathy. Reversed, the Strength card in this context can indicate that the person of inquiry considers you to be abusive, a brute, or a weakling. So, even if it is a message, a letter that you will never send, externalize your volatile emotions and give yourself a chance to be heard, if only by the wind. The Strength card is one of genuine love, kindness, and compassion, but it also refers to understanding what you or others feel and not letting wild emotions get the better of you. They respect you for your inner strength and mental fortitude. Strength not only accepts the lion for what it is, a fierce wild animal; she also patiently waits for it to understand that she means well and, in turn, trust and accept her. The High Priestess is one of those cards that can be quite difficult to interpret, which I think is exactly one of the meanings that applies best to this scenario. When someone uses the Strength card to express how they view you, it suggests they think you are powerful and lovely. Her advice is to persist, to make bold yet careful moves, and to embrace your powers and weak spots all the same. By denying or refusing to deal with a negative feeling, tension builds up until it explodes randomly and quite often to whoever is unlucky enough to be around, even when theyre not to blame. For those who just started their romance, Strength is a positive sign that your partner sees you as someone who can completely understand them. On Mondays, she interviews authors, experts, entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians, and other mentally strong people who explain the . - If this is a relationship, maybe a larger (not too big, just a few cards) spread would help clarify how things are going as they affect you both; - you might remind someone from his past; - as walking away from something unfulfilling or disappointing to look for something bigger and better; - In a love context as someone pretty desirable as you can "satisfy" his needs baby; - people see you as a person whom they feel comfortable with; - the person in question, recognizes the potential re: the situation being inquired into; - Kind of sweet, a tender-hearted person; - When he thinks of me he feels loving, nurturing, protective, patriarchal; - Ace is always good in relationship. It might be a roar, it might be a whisper. Vekke Sind, Justice Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! Strengths way of resolving conflicts isnt force or direct control; it is by calming and pacifying emotions, and looking for a beneficial, win-win resolution. She does not allow her emotions to control her. It may appear when someone in your close circle needs your help or when you realize that your troubles are a lot easier to handle with a good friend by your side. She is the inner strength that allows a person to accept and express the instinct and to defeat fear. In this conflict, you must be brave and say what you have to say, while also letting the other person speak their mind. And the 3 of pents being the master craftsmanmeaning what will be created will be of high caliber; - someone who is giving and generous unless ill dinified; - they respect you and hold you in high regard - They sense they can control you; - materialistic and only looks out for themselves without thought for other people; - The Emperor, for me is about taking control, or taking charge.
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