If any member of our family should have the misfortune to offend You seriously, please remind him, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, of Your infinite love and mercy for the penitent sinner. COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARIA Brothers and Sisters: A CHILD IS BORN, THE CHILD OF HUMILITY AND OBEDIENCE TO THE FATHER! Do not forget that he who acts with Faith is free from all evil., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara But My People wait and when they wake up it will be doubly difficult for them to come to Me, but My Mothers Love will not cease, She will continue interceding for each one of you and will draw you to My Way, where you will never find the Door closed. Guide listing all the Medicinal Plants indicated by Blessed Virgin Mary and our Lord Jesus Christ to catholic prophet Luz de Mara, to face upcoming epidemics that medical science will not be able to stop. During one of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Mamma Rosa Quatrinni, seer in San Damiano (1964-1970), Italy (has already passed away), Our Lady blessed a cluster of grapes, these grapes will sustain the people of Faith during the time of the Antichrist, wars, famine, droughts, calamities, plagues, and illness. Reign over me, dearest Mother, that I may be yours in prosperity, in adversity, in joy and in sorrow, in health and in sickness, in life and in death. Una denuncia contra la gestin de la exalcaldesa Mara Luz Lastras (PSOE) entre los aos 2015 y 2019 por prevaricacin y malversacin. Esa Fe fortalecida e inalterable hace posible los milagros; gana las mayores batallas por ms fuertes que estas sean (Cf. Como Madre estoy protegindoles, tnganlo presente. THIS IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO TURN TO FAITH. The Earth is completely sick and you feed yourselves with sick fruits, serious consequence of the abuse of man towards Creation that the Father bequeathed to you, you ingest adulterated foods and do not worry about it., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Use food that still has not been contaminated with radioactivity and not the food from those who wish to make you sick and lead you to death., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Gen. 1, 26-28), odia a la inocencia y odia a la criatura humana. Thus, the mind of man, limited deliberately by the earthly power. EL DEMONIO CON TODO CUANTO LES DESEE HACER TEMER, NO TIENE MS PODER QUE EL QUE DIOS LE PERMITE y la libertad que cada uno le permita para que les tome y los lleve a obrar y actuar contra Mi Divino Hijo. Apr. Thank you Jesus praise you Jesus, Alleluyah. And it is this current generation that is called to utter, as our Mother did, that"YES", THAT "MAY IT BE DONE"to me according to Your Word, and it should come out from the depths of our being and be uttered with our mouth. Use mullein and rosemary in discreet amounts., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara , 90 , XLI , , : , . We are called to stay waiting confidently; life does not stop, everything continues, but from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded (cf. January 31 2015, Another disease spreads affecting the airways; it is extremely contagious. Brothers and Sisters: In these instants of convulsion on Earth, in man, in the elements, in the spirit of man, Saint Michael the Archangel tells us that we have to be creatures in and for God. Humanity has entered the moments of greater pain, which will progress with the passing of the years, until, after the Purification, Peace will come to all and be in all. Amados de Nuestro Rey y Seor Jesucristo: LAS BENDICIONES DE LA MANO DIVINA SE DERRAMAN SOBRE CADA UNO. Sanctify our joys and comfort us in our sorrows. Children, you are deceived, seriously deceived by large global organizations that were created to assist you. 1,6; Jn. Is Luz de Maria approved by the Catholic Church? January 29 2017, In this moment, more than in any another, Freemasonry is at its apex, no longer infiltrating but dominating what is Mine, deciding over how to govern My People at this instant and preparing the great shaking of My People in order to bring them like sheep to the slaughter. , . Do not continue to take My Words in vain and be aware that both the Moon and the Sun hold great influence over the Earth and man. COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARIA. Prepare yourselves for the Warning. MY BELOVED PEOPLE, THE WARNING IS APPROACHING AND THE HEARTS ARE NOT MOVED FOR THE LACK OF DISSEMINATION OF THIS ACT OF MY MERCY FOR MY PEOPLE. ALL KNEEL AND PRAY TOGETHER. Brothers and Sisters:Our beloved Saint Michael the Archangel nourishes us in spirituality, recalling the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that they would be asked for and so that we might strive for conversion. December 15, 2010, Bless yourselves and your brothers and sisters constantly. Fifteen years ago Christ had requested for us to bless grapes and they are still in good condition. Hermanos, oremos, doblemos rodillas, postrmonos, adoremos a Dios y seamos fuertes. Instructions: Upon receipt of blessed grapes: Wash fresh grapes in a mild soap and water solution. A LUZ DE MARA 24 DE ABRIL DEL 2023 Hijos de Nuestro Rey y Seor Jesucristo, por Voluntad Divina Me dirijo a ustedes. Christ indicates to us that we must seek a priest and ask him for the blessing of a cluster of grapes or for one single grape, since one blessed grape can feed two people and therefore survive without food, if you have Faith and the creature is properly prepared; this will help for the times of food shortage. Sant. Exposure to drastic changes in the climate greatly contributes to your bodies being exposed to respiratory complications, but at the same time the hand of man is implicit, spreading chemicals and viruses through the air so that you fall sick more frequently, and these sometimes become mortal for human beings. The events that I am announcing through this, My Maternal Heart, are a blink of an eye away., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara "Quando la devozione partecipazione", Pontificia Universit Santa Croce: 300 comunicatori della Chiesa riuniti a Roma, Papa Francesco in Ungheria, il rettore: "Tre i pilastri dell'educazione cattolica", Papa Francesco di ritorno dallUngheria: In corso una missione per la pace in Ucraina, Papa Francesco ha concluso il viaggio apostolico in Ungheria, Il Papa a Budapest incontra il mondo universitario e della cultura, Kardinal Erd zum Papstbesuch: Mit lauterem Herzen fr den Frieden, Papst Franziskus: Kanle fr den Frieden ffnen, Papst Franziskus beendet Ungarn-Reise: Die Highlights am 3. THE PURIFICATION WAS TRACED BY THE HIERARCHY OF MY CHURCH BY EVADING THE REQUESTS OF MY MOTHER. October 14 2015, I love you, My children, I love you so much that I will continue to alert you. Si la Fe es verdadera, fuerte, convencida y la criatura est convertida puede ser tentada, pero no vencida. Las vacunas para introducir sustancias letales en el cuerpo llegaron para quedarse.. Oxido de grafeno tambien encontrado en Francia vacuna Janssen , El ministro de Justicia alemn acelera la censura: avanza que quiere cerrar Telegram. 4:13). BELOVED, PAY ATTENTION! Do not wait for the Signs announced by My Mother in order to change; there must be change at this instant. That is why I want you to share with your brothers from other countries this desire of mine: That you learn how to till the ground to plant what each one will need for sustenance in order to cater to your own needs little by little. Note: A separate post specific on medicinal plants has been published here. O Sacred Heart of Jesus who made known to St. Margaret Mary Your great desire to reign over Christian families we are gathered here today to proclaim Your complete dominion over our family. My beloved, utilize water that has been previously boiled and start NOW the detox of the organism drinking as much water as possible, so the organism will start to purify. At this time, I invite you, children, to assist the healing of the body by what nature provides you for the health of the body and before the current disease: the use of Artemisia annua (SWEET WORMWOOD), Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Beloved children, do not base life in the economy, this false god will fall from one moment to another, and you will realize that you wasted your life in what is superfluous, while the truth is only in My Hands. Remain attentive; volcanic activity increases, as do earthquakes, because the faults that surround much of the Earth are in constant motion, causing them to fracture and to influence each other, augmenting their force and my childrens suffering. Michel Rodrigue, Do not Put Tattoo Marks on Yourselves (Leviticus 19,28), NO game where one requests information from the afterlife is good, Parents, pay much attention to the video games your children play, Pay attention to the cartoons that your children watch, Pray My Holy Rosary with your children, as the family that prays together stays together. From these grapes already blessed, can be shared with your brothers, since they are blessed, in this way others can prepare their own blessed grapes. October 19, 2011, Cover yourselves with My Most Precious Blood, bless your bodies constantly, bless your food, do not forget that My Mothers name drives demons away: Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. See the man of science who dismisses the Words that are Divine Will; science has not seen in advance that about which My Son has warned you, so take seriously the Word that I bring to you. Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, a celestial body is approaching from space that will alarm humanity. DO NOT KEEP THIS WAITING TO GET TO USE THEM, SEARCH WHERE THEY ARE, SEARCH WHERE YOU CAN LOCATE THEM NEAR YOU, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST INSTANT. Humanity is not prepared for what it must face: only and solely through spiritual growth, entering into the Way of Christ and being Love as Christ is Love, will perseverance be attained.He mentions the Third Fiat to us, the Age of the Holy Spirit, and so it is that the Fiat, the "May it be done of our Blessed Mother spreads to all generations, precisely through the Holy Spirit who brings His Infinite Light, who comes at each stage of every generation to give aBREATH, TO RESUSCITATE THE CHILDREN OF GOD,so that they continue to fulfill the Divine Will.Our Father asks us to be messengers of His Love, and we should not so much think about our answer as give it, sayYESto the Sacred Trinity, everything is to be found in the core of our response, and that core isLOVE.This Era, as Saint Michael the Archangel tells us, is that of the Holy Spirit, since in the decisive moments He is pouring out all good upon souls in a special way. October 13 2014, My beloved: UNKNOWN DISEASES WILL CONTINUE TO ATTACK HUMANITY, ONE AFTER ANOTHER; BUT AS THEY APPEAR, I WILL PROVIDE YOU THE NATURAL RESOURCES TO COMBAT THEM. YOU POSSESS THE PLEDGE AND MORE TO COMBAT IT. Oren hijos Mos, oren por Chile y Ecuador. The moment will come when you will have to gather in small communities and you know it., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara 27 Abr. Stay alert, attentive because everything is in the blink of an eye. The Blessed Virgin has communicated to many saints and seers that these troops will be fed from Heaven. Our Lady of the Ark, Mary our Mother, Help of Christians, Message to Luz de Maria 21 December 2019, https://meditationsoncatholicism.blog/2020/01/07/luz-de-maria-12-21-19/, Message to Gianna Talone-Sullivan - 1 April 2023, Message to Luz de Maria (English and Slovak) - 22 March 2023, Message to Luz de Maria (English and Slovak) - 17 March 2023, Message to Luz de Maria 23 December 2019, Message to Gianna Talone-Sullivan 1 April 2023, Message of Saint Joseph (in Slovak) 19 March 2023, Our Mother of Hope and Joy 11 March 2023, Message to Bright Star and Firelily (in Slovak) 7 January 2023, Three Messages about Rome and Spiritual Battles 23 January 2023, Announcements (in Slovak) 5 13 January 2023. Amen. 4th revelation Calendula), Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARA Brothers and Sisters: Our beloved Saint Michael the Archangel nourishes us in spirituality, recalling the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that they would be asked for and so that we might strive for conversion. Great diseases are spreading quickly and when they become known through the medical media, no longer able to hide them, it will be what My Mother has revealed to you for some diseases that will stop them, but in the midst of everything the creatures Faith is needed. Try to leave a piece of the stem on the grape. Put the newly blessed grapes in a glass bottle. It is a natural blood purifier and this will help the organism become more resistant to the maladies that humanity will suffer. Pray for yourselves, for your brothers and sisters, for all humanity. The false prophets will increase and will deny the true instruments; they will bring perdition and bad habits to My people. This is the result of improper manipulation in the laboratories where great experiments are carried out., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Perhaps the Blessed Grapes are one of many miracles of the end times which the saints of older times referred to in their visions., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Why do not they announce that I am Love and that out of Love for My People I tell them in advance what will happen so that they repent in time? Entry Last Updated on: Feb. 24, 2020 The Lord is calling us with that intelligence that He has provided us, to have sacramentals, to have holy water. Vandalism and persecution grow against that which represents Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, against that which represents our Queen and Mother of all Creation and against Gods faithful. May 20 2017, Pray My children, pray, do not forget that the disease comes out of the laboratories; use what I have told you for your health., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara YOUR BODIES ARE TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND YOU MUST PROTECT THEM AND TAKE CARE OF THEM, NOT ONLY WITH GOOD CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOR, BUT ALSO WITH A CORRECT AND HEALTHY NUTRITION. Freemasonry distorts My Word, tears up the Commandments, oppresses My Church and takes power in order to lead My children through ignorance towards contempt for Our Divine Word. Be true testimonies of My Love., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara I am wounded by those who from the pulpits deny My Announcements. PROTECT YOUR FAMILIES: Quin como Dios, nadie como Dios! Beloved of our King and Lord Jesus Christ: THE BLESSINGS OF THE DIVINE HAND ARE POURED OUT UPON EACH PERSON. Bless your food with the sign of My Cross and maintain faith alive., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara The one (it can be a Pope, a Cardinal, a Bishop, a Priest), who changes those words has embraced heresy and Jesus is not present on the altar. St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on February 9th, 2021: People of God: Receive the Divine Call with attention and urgency. Luz de Mara asks our Mother what must we do to make the organism more resistant against the plagues that are coming. Freemasonry is readying itself to present the great impostor to Humanity, the antichrist, and you, being ignorant about the antichrist, will rise up towards him as if he were Me. TO LUZ DE MARIA.
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