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why i left the pentecostal church

If you need to vent, Im here. I began to notice a theme; I was all about US and not God. When there is a right fear of our great and awesome God it keeps us in check. I agonized over what I might be doing wrong. Through the years I didnt buy into many of the man-made traditions we had adopted like falling on the floor or thinking one had to speak in tongues to have the Holy Spirit nonetheless I went along with it because I didnt think it was hurting anyone. Romans 3:20-22 KJV As you know YHWH God is a covenant God. When I read that it was like I saw it for the first time, I mean truly understood it. Im one of the most sceptical people you will ever meet. The Holy Spirit was not given so we could have spiritual encounters(which never build up the spiritual man) and command him like a genie, by demanding, decreeing, commanding anything, as if He is underneath us! I wound up joining a large and much This only means something to people old enough to remember the time before digital cameras, when you took a roll of film and had to have it developed into photographs. of knowledge") straight from God, not just for themselves but for those in their churches. Maybe I wasn't reading my Bible enough. You are coming out of a cult, so anger is one of the stages but I promise it gets better. Wants us to. Paul wrote to all the believers in one town. than ever before. They dont even have one bible verse in the sermon or compare to a bible story. I had a good 15 years or more away. Of course now I am a sinner.I failed because God wasnt enough. The great thing is NOW Im able to articulate exactly why its terrible theology. ive approached my pastor on several disagreements ive had with him n hes explanation of it was satisfactory, we have council members so if the pastor is out of order we report to them and then it gets sorted. I was hearing 20 years ago how special MY generation was. I'm sorry you experienced that op, but I'm glad it didn't deter your faith! I was just done. I think you are taking my words out of context. We made sacrifices for the good of the church. just "speaking in faith." It was scary making the decision to leave but leaving and going back to my Bible church was like going from desert to oasis. If you call out a minister on their poor or even criminal behavior and present facts to back up your claim they either ignore you all together or get mad as a hornet. Wilkersons students didnt have ministry degrees and were former drug abusers. that I was gone. Consider Zachariah in the temple in the presence of Gabriel. There is no Scriptural reference to any New Testament employment in the Gospel. (scripture alone) That was a hard lesson I learned this year. His Word is. What are your future plans? As Michael has stated on this blog (and I paraphrase), the church is full of people. I encourage you to set healthy boundaries with those who would heap guilt upon you for your life choices. God sent a strong delusion upon them so that they should believe the lie because they loved not the truth. were responsible for the members of the church, and it was their duty to warn them and discipline them if they were You can find it at, Yes, I watched it. I was raised as an Assemblies of God Pentecostal by my parents, and I went to a medium Mike bickle said that prophets were operating at at 70-80% accuracy rate? Crazy. So whats next? Follow the crowd? Thank you for your courageous story. Im excited to read your testimony and I know how it feels. Looking forward to that blessed day when I see Jesus face to face; and by His strength I will live for Him until my last breath. I also am blogging about it. Once I got over being mad & looking for dirt on Bethel I prayed for discernment and was led to 1 John 4. God has been so good and so gracious to meI dont deserve any of it! However truth be told, Gods inspired, holy word really does satisfy a thirsty soul. During the year that I attended that Discipleship is the keystone that is missing in our churches. Thanks. I look back and I remember being distracted/overwhelmed by loud music and all the shouting in my church. Feelings, such as as our emotions; within the heart are warned by Jeremiah the prophet in the book of Jer: 17:9 that, the heart is wicked beyond cure and desperately sick!, warning to the church, Do not ever follow your hearts inclinations! May you all be blessed and may your relationship with the Lord grow daily. Where does the Holy Spirit fit into Sola Scriptura? I received the Holy Ghost in March and got baptized in Jesus' name in May of 2011. Here is what I have learned. I am sorry for all your bad experiences. to a lack of maturity. These men prophesy lies and the people imagine vain things. Fervent and effective prayer. my life with enough faith to pray for my healing. Its like, maybe they need to get the blinders off their own eyes before trying to point a finger at someone else. Let this not become a church bashing agenda here. Pray continually! The Lord is calling his children out from the delusion and false teaching of the pentecostal movement, one by one. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. and it will lead you into much folly. Greet believers at church. I am happy for you and He will keep through everything. We are encouraged to develop our own relationship with Jesus at our own pace. The teaching was something that appealed to me and I wanted to believe it with every fiber of my Web89 views, 6 likes, 2 loves, 15 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from DD Memorial Baptist Church: DD Memorial Baptist Church was live. Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. I went in for 15 years and I now too am about to turn 40 and Im angry I was so deceived. 31 So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. In fact, the pastors were so busy that they didn't know very Hence the pot calling the kettle black. Ive gone though many different emotions over it. I long for that unity which jesus talks about in john 17 when he prays to God the father. Im fully awake. The one thing I dont like about my church is that they do believe you must speak in tongues to say you have the Holy Ghost/Spirit which I do not believe. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews.11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Somenot all. The Bible teaches that only the 12 disciples received first the Holy Spirit. Amen to that, Michael. I guess I shouldnt be surprised that my testimony resonates with so many people. Generation X marks the spot was the trending evangelical phrase in those days. The reason I left was because my Its in those moments I felt closer to God than screaming my lungs out in a church. I too couldve written most of this sisters blog. For me, Jesus is my King! Hi Tim, I remember you from Bethel. Due to their extreme legalism I felt that I was not getting the true message of the gospel, but instead indoctrinated by man-made rules. conflicted about leaving. I spend a lot of time on my own with the Lord, I join prayer groups and chats like this or whatsapp groups. Nothing spectacular had happened to me in the meeting to me, nothing had really changed since I last went to church except this time there wasnt the Toronto type manifestations. They love the Christian hype, self-importance of ministry, their calling, and their own desires. Im certain at one point I was pursuing God but it became an idol itself. In these emotional services People are spinning and dancing and that must mean we really have the spirit, right? After many struggles in high school and going down the path of heavy drug use, I ended up in trouble with the law and found myself bewildered and sitting in jail. I am firm in my belief that God is still doing wonderful and miraculous things today. Total conformity is required to fit in although it is unspoken, everyone knows it. Ive been humbled, but this thing has given me a new zeal not just to pursue Truth, but to pray for wisdom and discernment specifically, discernment of the spirits. And you will make a difference for good in the kingdom of God. Jesus is pulling a lot of out. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. Thank you, thank you, thank you! . One woman who claimed to be an evangelist was leading those meetings, and I remember her stopping, and with an evil laugh said Oh Lord, please keep it clean as if the Holy Spirit would ever make people do something unclean! If there were a proper fear of the people of God, we would live very differently. I still attend Baptist and non denomination churches(my mothers side of the family are I never fit in when I tried to be super spiritual and faked most of the time. I was told that I would be a failure wherever I went, that I was Bless you as you too continue to seek His face! Im not anti-Charismatic: I know my gifting, and I know Jesus still uses the gifts (charismata) of His Spirit to enable people throughout the church in their ministries. To me it seemed obvious. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good. Sometimes Christians offend somebody not meaning to do so. We are told in 2 Corn. I have been raised a Seventh Day Adventist all of my life. They like use the Acts verse/s about when the disciples were all filled with the Holy Spirit and then they all spoke in tongues. This is a mirror of my own experiences in the Church system, I too walked away from it but doing so, onto the real narrow path that leads to everlasting life. To keep my eyes aware to possible false teachings. I, too, have been delivered out of charismania, where almost every week wed hear how revival was about to break out across America; where there would be times the preacher would say You wont need your Bible tonight!; where people would literally fall on each other; where Id hear contradictory prophecies; where wed read ourselves into Old Covenant Israel; where any critical examination was met with touch not the Lords anointed; and where everything depended on how you feel. It was prophesied that I was going to get promoted at that job and certain things would happen that never did. There were no major control issues here. Have you ever met someone on Social Media and started dating them? As a pastor that is necessary but difficult. Not sure whats so bad about 7-M. It was then that I truly knew God was real to me. For any and all who have left the United Pentecostal Church. Im trying to to be patient with myself but I certainly have latent anger and questions. The charismatic movement of the past quarter-century has made an impact on the church unparalleled in history. Webwhy are pentecostals so mean. There was constant talk of apostles and prophets that God was raising up in these last days. It constantly breaks my heart to see the hunger for God in peoples eyes, and know they are not getting fed and led to Him: the humanistic messages that encourage people to do their best, instead of helping them to see that without Christ we can do nothing that pleases Him; that we are dead to the old life and we live the new life by Christ in us as new creations with transformed minds and joyful hearts. It was a warm fuzzy experience for the sake of I have found my WAY IN YESHUA I am Hebrew (crossed over). My desire was balance and discernment. Another great testimony. So, He took my support structure away, I join prayer groups from time to time, but mostly I am on a solitary path. He has never spoken in tongues, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is working in him and through him. WebWhy I am no longer a Pentecostal There were no miracles, no power, no gifts, no healings, nothing but the theatrical antics and delusions of men. Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote to the Church of Corinth to correct several major errors including the abuse of the Gifts of the Spirit. You described it very well indeed. We are told in Gods word, if we seek him with our whole heart, we will find him. A controversial debate about racism in the United Pentecostal Church International is now raging in the denomination after an interracial couple who led one of The straw that broke the camels back was when a super Christian guy I was dating and who had become deeply imbedded in this movement broke up with me because God told him too. Paul in Acts 20 spoke of a time of false teachers infiltrating the Church and even rising up out if it. What a bargain! It looked like a safe place to go. I wasn't bold enough in my witness. God! Should Christians live the gospel? Flee the hirelings and the organized mess that only wants converts to their denomination. Most definately. I wish you well and encourage you to be intimate with Christ every day. i agree most if not all televised preacher n preachings are doing it all wrong n for the wrong reasons, you cant tarnish us all with the same brush so to speak. I still had close friends in the church. How clear the repetitive cycle in which I was in much like a Merry-go-round.We were conference junkies, just looking for the next spiritual high(like a drug) Sadly, you always need more, the spiritual high never last long enough. God was ABOUT to do something amazing in our mist. The sad fact is so many within our churches today often love these hyper-emotional camps, such as; Bethel, IHOP, Christine Caine (from Propel) Graham Cooke, Mike Bickle, Rick Joyner, Peter Wagner and all the so called self proclaimed prophets and apostles, etc. We just had to always speak faith filled words, and not doubt. When things were so bad that I couldn't hide my symptoms, I just avoided church and church people. Shortly after, 2 more people left. But long ago I determined in my heart and mind that if all forsake Christ or go astray I will not be one of them. In Charismatic Chaos, John F. MacArthur calls for biblical evaluation and analyzes the doctrinal differences between charismatics and non-charismatics in the light of Scripture. Thanks. We If it wasnt for the love of God and commitment to Christ I would have stopped Church altogether. How presumptuous, and yet I was. Now, I am back in a Pentecostal type church. No, I dont blame you at all for leaving that stuff. Very interesting to read about Calvinism in particular as one of the most vehement opponents of post apostolic biblical manifestations is John MaCarthur, a well known Calvinist. Ive heard so many prophesies about Donald Trump being chosen by God. There's a flipside to believing that God will Its just that the leaders of Vineyard Anaheim believe that God is guiding them to leave the denomination their church helped start. Change). No one tried to shame me into staying. This is an exciting time. I simplify, of course. Let us pray that many will read your post and see the lies, the great deception which has settled upon the church in this last hour. If we truly belong to God he will lead us out. I received a letter from a man who was raised as a Catholic in the 1960s and who stated that the Catholic Church We are Christians that worship on the seventh day of the week. came back, so did the feeling of complete rejection and failure. To encourage each other and pray for each other. Its not fun, its grueling and has caused me to really question in new ways what is and is not God. I was very hurt that someone deceived me and tagged Gods name to it. Now I know God. about asking for money -- and there were definite echoes of prosperity teaching involved -- but they didn't hunt you experienced up until that point would be nothing compared to what was to come and then I wouldn't have people in (Not saying you are, I dont know you.) But one legacy of the movement is confusion and mushy thinking. I left a mad house full of confusion and bad theology. I dont place much trust in dreams and visions because sometimes they are good and sometimes they are dark. Cheryl is this question for me or the lady who wrote this article? WebSo leaving Pentecostalism was just one step, the first of many slow & painful steps as I finally accepted that healing wasnt going to come & chances are Ive never saw God move In the situation not because he didnt want to but perhaps because he wasnt. Like I said earlier, its not the movement but deceived Christians or false teachers creeping into the Church. We can only know God properly by His Word, not feeling, emotion or some experience. It was a high. Maybe I needed to stop working extra hours and devote more time to God was treated like a genie in a bottle many times in church services. Thank you, its so wonderful to know we are not alone in our journey. I became increasingly aware that the preachers I was listening to used bible scriptures here and there but mainly they talked of their own experiences and turned it into doctrine. really had zero conviction. Unlike the Pentecostal church my dad took me to, my church doesnt say what we should wear or if we should not cut our hair. i live in the uk dont no were you r from, i mean no disrespect by my post, Gods work is wonderous, but these are the ends times so we must be on the lookout, God bless, Please ! genuinely cared about each other. Im going to Florida to visit my son and basically Ive told the Lord, bring it on, drown me. While this was not the only reason that I left the Indian Pentecostal church, it was one of the biggest reasons. I believe it was a culmination of things that brought me to truth. YMMV, What a wonderful summary of how God has been leading you into His truth and light. Then, we will once again be RELEVANT in this lost and dying world. I watched Mr Johnson do this on a you tube sermon in my research and it was something a young prayer team guy did when praying over me. Like me, I am sure you have seen excesses in church and the challenge is, well, to challenge those excesses. Yes, if there is false teaching going on in the church you were at, then you should leave it . Also, context is key with a lot of scripture, as is language. I mean we were God chasers after all, soooo benevolent we were in great pursuit of God.Nothing says,Ilove you Jesusl like paying big bucks for the T-shirt of our favorite superstar ministers new catch phrase and getting a bonus CD half off. On Former Catholics & Why They Left the Church. In fact, things just kept getting worse there. Thank you for sharing this. My theology is Classic Pentecostal (AOG) which holds to the Essential Teachings of the Historic Christian Faith. Psalm 19:14 NKJV. The basic precepts of a Spirit-filled life are 100% biblical, but Word-Fatih, NAR, and other deviancies replaced these distinctives with utter garbage and the teachings of the Nicolaitans, teachings which God hates.. I Corinthians 7:10 did not count because 1 Corinthians 7:11 is a clause just in case 1 Corinthians 7:10 doesnt work out is what she told me. A born evangelist with a true shepherds heart. Sadly many live like Romans 3:18 There is no fear of God before their eyes. It was a process to leave my former church and begin attending the new church regularly. 2. The Lord's church dates back to 33 AD when the 12 disciples received the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit." Most of these people didnt even know the word much less if God was speaking. Web0 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Kingdom Life Christian Church - Bradenton Florida: Thank You for Joining Us! Wow. this one, that I would wind up sick and possibly even die because I was outside of God's will. I am absolutely scared that I am a narcissist and I don't know what to do. Its strong delusion and it will only become MORE apostate and MORE evident. I am praising God for his mighty deliverance of you from the darkness you have been immersed in! This destroys. There were career musicians Cuba cancels May Day parade because of fuel shortages, Ludhiana gas: Toxic leak kills 11 in Indian city - 'I found my brother lying on the road', 'They're trying to dogfight': Air Force commander reveals that Russian fighter jets are trying to ENGAGE US fighters over Syria, Black NYPD detective Troy Patterson dies after 33 years in a coma following shooting while washing his car during botched robbery in 1990, Boarding school admits 'more should have been done' to stop bullying of boy, 17, who took his own life after being falsely accused of rape for a year, Tyrese says some celebs have devil worshipping music videos but turn around and thank God for their grammy wins, Only Murders in the Building Season 3 Premiere Date Revealed by Steve Martin and Martin Short at Comedy Show (EXCLUSIVE), 5 years - No ring, patiently waiting for a proposal. I have also noticed music is a main attraction in church; Ithas replace bible studies. Our Church actually phased out Sunday morning bible studies and the Wednesday night ones were more secular than anything, I would call it positive philosophy. There we started studying scripture but the practice was the same as my previous church. Some who leave dont go to It was like scales fell off my eyes and I was free. Well Jo-Ann I fellowship with other like minded believers who have also left the corrupt system. David Wilkerson left the Assemblies of God because their requirements for ordination were too strict. Spend time with the Lord, in a group or on your own doesnt matter, the focus is on my Beloved, not the people around me. I ended up attending AG churches for the next 15 years or so and just loved it. I speak from experience. xx. Its a mad house. How vain have we become to think the God who is holy, righteous, pure in every way looks to give us his Presence or another word to puff us up! Long story short, my life was turned completely around. If you read the 7 Letters to the 7 Churches you see where Christ rebuked 5 of the 7. My life has been a series of interesting twists that will hopefully benefit someone out in the ether. We Christians moan about a lot of ungodly areas of our lives whether in the media, schools, business etc. Thank you for your comment. My current pastor reads from the bible and we talk about what it means. you "talked the talk" long enough, you'd "walk the walk" eventually. Praise God that His Word is so powerful, its truths so self-evident, that all one has to do is believe all of it, not just the goose-bumpy out-of-context verses, to be delivered. Brother Dave, So that is why I'm going to recommend some reading that will surely help you in your quest to find your faith again. The movement has morphed into something unrecognizable from what it was years ago. I realized that just because it was a Protestant church didnt make it scriptural The pastor was awful, preached more from Robt Schneller than scripture and when my husband and I questioned some of his so called God is leading our church this way ( as in going to yung ghi chos church in Korea to learn how to pray) cell groups, (communism) I feel fortunate that every teaching from the pulpit, and Sabbath school, was straight from the bible and cross referencing scriptures according to the lesson we were studying.

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why i left the pentecostal church